Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?

Our Mission

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What is the purpose of the "Ask Jacqueline Network" and what can visitors expect to find on the site?

The "Ask Jacqueline Network" is a website run by a group of Christian believers who accept the Bible as the only authority and aim to offer hope and support to visitors. The site is a safe space for people to discuss the Bible and their spiritual journeys without fear of being harassed or judged. Visitors can expect to find articles, videos, and resources on a range of topics related to faith, including recovery from spiritual abuse, finding personal meaning and healing, and building a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The site does not promote any particular religion and encourages critical thinking and individual interpretation of the Bible. Visitors are free to express their opinions and engage in respectful discussions with others on the site.

This is the "Ask Jacqueline Network" There are many Authors that publish their works and "SHORT" books here.

We will assist you in working through your Spiritually abusive experience.

Some of you are adult victims of child sexual abuse by clergy of various religious organizations. We understand it is not your fault for trusting. The perpetrators and the governing bodies are at fault for hiding and failing to alert your parents to the known pedophiles in abundance among you. They are and were aware of the pedophiles but protected them.

Our sole mission is to help you start praying directly to God through Jesus Christ and not through a man or organization. To not be afraid of God or Armageddon but to accept Christ as your leader and not a governing body or a one-man founder of your former religions. 

Videos posted at the end of every page are not to sway you but to let you see that other people do know something about the Bible and try to break it down also. One thing you will notice is that more people are willing to change what they formerly thought was the truth, and more people are using just the Bible, no books or magazines. We are a help site, to get your mind working to do critical thinking, not teach you what we believe but get you going to God through Jesus directly. To have a personal relationship with God and feel you don't need an organization talking to God for you. 

 NOTE: We have writers from different countries, so articles may reflect the experiences of that country but not another. Enjoy!


by Jacqueline- Welcome


The next section of the mission is written by Greg from Canada. 


It is not our desire to indoctrinate, recruit, convert, or “save” anyone. We recognize that everyone is on an individual journey, and so their paths from their various points of origin onward to their personally envisioned destinations are going to be somewhat varied.


Quite understandably, some persons who have been adversely impacted by spiritual abuse at the hands of “Bible-Thumpers” and “Religious Terrorists” may want nothing more to do with God, the Bible, or religion. For others, it is equally understandable that their personal convictions or their worries and anxieties may compel them to try to find a new way to move through and beyond spiritual abuse while not completely abandoning their God or religious beliefs.


No matter who you are, where you’ve come from, what you’ve once believed, or what you now believe, it is our resolve to help you feel safe, welcome, and at ease here. We want everyone to find the support they need and want—nothing more, nothing less. Think of this as a buffet: pick only what you want or are willing to try; eat only as much or as little of whatever it is you want; leave what you don’t want; come back for second and third helpings of the things you like.


We believe that no matter where we currently are on our journey towards healing and recovery, we are ALL seriously interested in finding relief while we struggle to reclaim our lives and to move forward in a way that is uniquely and personally meaningful. Mourning and coming to understand the traumatic things we’ve experienced is an essential part of the healing process and so it is our desire to support and encourage as many as possible in that very personal endeavor.


Some persons may want support and assistance in letting go of many strongly programmed fears connected with religion and spirituality. Others may be hoping to pursue new and healthier spiritual avenues while allowing themselves to discover how they can free themselves from old programmed fears. We offer many kinds of resources and support along whichever route you personally find most comfortable and appealing. We hold unconditional positive regard for everyone.


One last thought: In English, the word spirituality can cause great confusion. For several centuries it has been used and misused and carries at least two distinctly separate meanings. The way in which we use the word isn’t about spirit beings, God, or religion. We use it to mean caring for one’s OWN INNER spirit of calmness, hopefulness, compassion, joy, and peace. That’s why we’ve made it our resolve to never again allow religion to get in the way of our spirituality.

Contributed by Greg Williamson, Canada- Now you have met Greg.

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Since 1993

141 Responses to Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?

  1. Kevin Davis says:

    I am still a Jehovah’s witness but I just don’t go to the Kingdom Hall anymore God has blessed me so much in every aspect of my life since leaving the Jehovah’s witnesses

  2. Kevin Davis says:

    After going to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s witnesses I battle with mental illness until this day God let me know that I am part of the 12 tribes of Israel and he let me know that I will live on Paradise Earth and be a part of heaven God instructed me to leave the Jehovah’s witnesses behind and never return to the Kingdom Hall that if I forgive those that tortured me he will give me anything I want the next day the foster mom contacted me and said Makayla when she gets 18 wants to come back home to me my mental suffering is over I left the Jehovah’s witnesses organization for good for a new life with Christ.

  3. jacqueline says:

    Hello everyone. You may have noticed that we can only get to AskJacqueline if you go to Bereanbible.net.
    Rather than having 2 websites I just made it all one. I think this simplifies and streamlines everything.
    Thank you, Jacqueline

  4. Traveler says:

    Just passing through, I haven’t been here in awhile. Watching the news is a sad affair these days. Thought it might help to remind all after watching the video at the top of this page “Israel needs our help” to point out again that from Adam down to us. all is about frame of mind. Frame is mind was the significance of Abraham, and of Israel( note not the same as nation of). The sons of Israel are the offspring of Abraham because the hold the same frame of mind. This frame of mind determined if you were one of God’s people, not your physical, or national heritage. What Jesus referred to as the “kingdom among you” or in otherwords those under the influence or in the frame of mind of Abraham were also referred to as “Jew”. So again you could not be born a “Jew”. Those of this right frame os mind with its good heart followed Jesus’ revealed upward call. Upward in the since the began to make their minds over. The Bible clearly states that in Jesus’ congregation there are no longer “Jew”, or any other divisions, denominations. Yes the “offspring of Abraham, the sons of Israel”, those making UP Israel still exist in frame of mind. They are you brothers and sisters. Back to the news, the world, Jesus’ new nation has nothing to do with this world, and the violence of man and Satan’s distractions are probably deeper than you and I yet realize. Peace,,, be with you, by using the power actuating your mind, the “token of your inheritance ” leading you towards the “Twinkling”

    • Traveler says:

      Sorry about typeos, my editer, partner, wife, is having some health issues

    • jacqueline says:

      Traveler, I used to be somewhat of that frame of mind before I was able to see I had been fooled and lied to, The nation of Israel that exists in the middle east are actually Jews and the ones spoken of in the Hebrew scriptures.
      Those actual people are in a covenant relationship with Jehovah. Zephaniah 3 and Zechariah is speaking of the actual people born a Jew. Some of them have accepted the first coming of Christ but most are only looking for the Messiah’s Coming in the near future as his first.
      But Jehovah has imparted blindness to some Jews and Israel on this matter until he lifts the veil from their eyes. They will accept Christ. But the Jews in the land of Israel are the ones that need our prayers. Christians are being persecuted and need our prayers but God Jehovah’s covenanted people, wife needs our support and prayers.
      Tell your wife hello and I hope she gets better.

      • traveler says:

        I respect you have been working out who are Jews. The point I would make is more importantly who belong to God’s people now, where there are no longer Jews, or devisions. Now only Jesus’s followers , God’s people, under Christ are constituted as part of the kingdom. Those continuing to claim to be Jews remain unreconciled to God. So Jesus and his ” new nation” are established not through war, but through peace. Really The Bible is clear, Jesus fulfilled the law allowing for humanity to approach God again on the upward path, he allowed them to be reconciled, but you must take “UP” the path as Jesus did or you remain condemned under the law. This simple self evident truth was stated by Jesus himself, “the kingdom will be taken from you, and given to a new nation.” So no longer are there Jews among God’s people and the new nation over them. All prophecy relating to Abraham’s offspring, the sons of Israel those under Gods kingdom influence, you and I,will be fulfilled through Jesus. We have inherited the earth.

        • traveler says:

          Thinking about your statement again today I felt I would stress that footstep followers means you must take each revealed logical step and it must connect to the next step. It’s called walking with God. In this Way you are never in danger of someone lying to you because if it’s truth it adds UP to connect to truth you are already holding to weigh it against. You seem more than a match for the winds that would given the chance blow you about.

  5. Lee Anthony says:

    Hello all,
    Lee Anthony here, After just talking to Jacqueline I thought I would say hey to everyone on here. Its been a long time. As a full time student, husband, and father I am always busy but with health issues I know have I have slowed down and started doing less. My website is now called https://studytheway.org/ where you can still find Dave and myself digging into all sorts of things studying scriptures and some days we just talk about everything and nothing. The world is going crazy, I hope everyone is well. Things are getting tough out there and it is only going to get worst but worry not, this only means the time is at hand. Keep on the watch, look to the sky tomorrow night, Friday the 4th for that sliver which was not sighted in Israel last night (tonight for us) so it is likely to be sighted tonight which makes sunset Friday night the beginning of the 7th month aka Yom Teruah, aka the day that no one knows the day or the hour, the feast of trumpets, now celebrated by most as Rosh Hashanah. From the 1st day they were able to then determine the proper count for The day of atonement on the 10th and the start of Tabernacles on the 15th. (LEV. 23:23-44).

    • jacqueline says:

      Hello Lee, I just did Simchat Torah and we held a Torah that was on loan for 50 years to the temple. It was found in a cave where some of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. We danced and sang to celebrate the Holiday.
      I figured that would be the day Israel would bomb Iran for the October 1st incidence. Sinwar was taken out on the first day of Sukkot. Jehovah never changes. I will visit your site. Tell Dave hello. Jeff called me two days ago and he said we should all get together for a Zoom session.

      • Traveler says:

        Just passing through, I haven’t been here in awhile. Watching the news is a sad affair these days. Thought it might help to remind all after watching the video at the top of this page “Israel needs our help” to point out again that from Adam down to us. all is about frame of mind. Frame is mind was the significance of Abraham, and of Israel( note not the same as nation of). The sons of Israel are the offspring of Abraham because the hold the same frame of mind. This frame of mind determined if you were one of God’s people, not your physical, or national heritage. What Jesus referred to as the “kingdom among you” or in otherwords those under the influence or in the frame of mind of Abraham were also referred to as “Jew”. So again you could not be born a “Jew”. Those of this right frame os mind with its good heart followed Jesus’ revealed upward call. Upward in the since the began to make their minds over. The Bible clearly states that in Jesus’ congregation there are no longer “Jew”, or any other divisions, denominations. Yes the “offspring of Abraham, the sons of Israel”, those making UP Israel still exist in frame of mind. They are you brothers and sisters. Back to the news, the world, Jesus’ new nation has nothing to do with this world, and the violence of man and Satan’s distractions are probably deeper than you and I yet realize. Peace,,, be with you, by using the power actuating your mind, the “token of your inheritance ” leading you towards the “Twinkling”

  6. Kevin Davis says:

    Kevin Davis my self is a member of the YMCA but not a member of any Religion I just follow Jehovah God and Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. Kevin Davis says:

    The Jehovah’s witnesses were not going to support me following the Lamb Jesus Christ so I left watchtower study.

  8. Kevin Davis says:

    My wealth that Jehovah and Jesus Christ gives me my will goes to Makayla Davis. not other people who may try to claim it. She may love Jehovah and Jesus Christ still she will never return to the watch tower again and Kevin Davis will not either I go were and have support to go to heaven.

  9. Kevin Davis says:

    I made the agreement with God in 1993 I was in a sinful condition Jehovah God and Jesus Christ will clean me up since 1993 very slowly I will be talking on anointed talk beyond watchtower and I’m going to talk about anointed things. I love Jehovah and I love Jesus Christ.

  10. Kevin Davis says:

    Kevin Davis altavista Virginia and Makàyla Davis will never be abused by governing body policy love Jehovah\’s witnesses ever again.

  11. Kevin Davis says:

    I have to tell you this Jacqueline I believe anointed talk beyond watchtower I could be wrong the site is run by the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses I could be very wrong but I think I’m right.

  12. Kevin Davis says:

    I am asking God to care about people. no one but two people cared about me in Altavista Campbell county Virginia. My religion Jehovah’s witnesses did not care Horizon my mental health team did not care western state hospital did not care for me campbell county government did not care. when my right to drive was taking away by a false police report to the DMV by police for anti union reasons by police to protect Walmart and food lion inc. they did not care about the well being of others were meat company cause the death of many people in supper markets in Virginia unsafe meat. when a year of trash is in my yard wereno one took my trash of to the dump. I asked Campbell county goverment to help me they would not they do not care I barely have money to eat each month no one cares I ask does God care. when I was Tortured by Government who cared does God care I prayed when I was being tortured by Virginia Government at western state hospital who cared does God care. does there need to be a law to get some one to care Jehovah does care and love me but does he do any thing to love us and do something to help us help our self that is all I want from Government does Christ do any thing for us now will he care . when million of black people were Tortured in Virginia did he care. years ago. will God and the sons of God fix things soon. we need help. I love Jehovah GOD and his son my king Jesus Christ do they care about us.

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