Our Mission
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What is the purpose of the "Ask Jacqueline Network" and what can visitors expect to find on the site?
The "Ask Jacqueline Network" is a website run by a group of Christian believers who accept the Bible as the only authority and aim to offer hope and support to visitors. The site is a safe space for people to discuss the Bible and their spiritual journeys without fear of being harassed or judged. Visitors can expect to find articles, videos, and resources on a range of topics related to faith, including recovery from spiritual abuse, finding personal meaning and healing, and building a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The site does not promote any particular religion and encourages critical thinking and individual interpretation of the Bible. Visitors are free to express their opinions and engage in respectful discussions with others on the site.
This is the "Ask Jacqueline Network" There are many Authors that publish their works and "SHORT" books here.
We will assist you in working through your Spiritually abusive experience.
Some of you are adult victims of child sexual abuse by clergy of various religious organizations. We understand it is not your fault for trusting. The perpetrators and the governing bodies are at fault for hiding and failing to alert your parents to the known pedophiles in abundance among you. They are and were aware of the pedophiles but protected them.
Our sole mission is to help you start praying directly to God through Jesus Christ and not through a man or organization. To not be afraid of God or Armageddon but to accept Christ as your leader and not a governing body or a one-man founder of your former religions.
Videos posted at the end of every page are not to sway you but to let you see that other people do know something about the Bible and try to break it down also. One thing you will notice is that more people are willing to change what they formerly thought was the truth, and more people are using just the Bible, no books or magazines. We are a help site, to get your mind working to do critical thinking, not teach you what we believe but get you going to God through Jesus directly. To have a personal relationship with God and feel you don't need an organization talking to God for you.
NOTE: We have writers from different countries, so articles may reflect the experiences of that country but not another. Enjoy!
by Jacqueline- Welcome
The next section of the mission is written by Greg from Canada.
It is not our desire to indoctrinate, recruit, convert, or “save” anyone. We recognize that everyone is on an individual journey, and so their paths from their various points of origin onward to their personally envisioned destinations are going to be somewhat varied.
Quite understandably, some persons who have been adversely impacted by spiritual abuse at the hands of “Bible-Thumpers” and “Religious Terrorists” may want nothing more to do with God, the Bible, or religion. For others, it is equally understandable that their personal convictions or their worries and anxieties may compel them to try to find a new way to move through and beyond spiritual abuse while not completely abandoning their God or religious beliefs.
No matter who you are, where you’ve come from, what you’ve once believed, or what you now believe, it is our resolve to help you feel safe, welcome, and at ease here. We want everyone to find the support they need and want—nothing more, nothing less. Think of this as a buffet: pick only what you want or are willing to try; eat only as much or as little of whatever it is you want; leave what you don’t want; come back for second and third helpings of the things you like.
We believe that no matter where we currently are on our journey towards healing and recovery, we are ALL seriously interested in finding relief while we struggle to reclaim our lives and to move forward in a way that is uniquely and personally meaningful. Mourning and coming to understand the traumatic things we’ve experienced is an essential part of the healing process and so it is our desire to support and encourage as many as possible in that very personal endeavor.
Some persons may want support and assistance in letting go of many strongly programmed fears connected with religion and spirituality. Others may be hoping to pursue new and healthier spiritual avenues while allowing themselves to discover how they can free themselves from old programmed fears. We offer many kinds of resources and support along whichever route you personally find most comfortable and appealing. We hold unconditional positive regard for everyone.
One last thought: In English, the word spirituality can cause great confusion. For several centuries it has been used and misused and carries at least two distinctly separate meanings. The way in which we use the word isn’t about spirit beings, God, or religion. We use it to mean caring for one’s OWN INNER spirit of calmness, hopefulness, compassion, joy, and peace. That’s why we’ve made it our resolve to never again allow religion to get in the way of our spirituality.
Contributed by Greg Williamson, Canada- Now you have met Greg.
at the last day Jehovah God and Jesus Christ will judge individually people.
I come to realize that I was heavily invested in my daughter after losing her I learned that I loved her back then as much as I did Jehovah God I now realize how much love Jehovah God more than my own family to be worthy of the Kingdom of heaven I still love my daughter. to be born again you must be born again bywater and spirit I am not going to talk on social media for a long time now I’m going to prayer to God I’ll never have been baptized there is nothing stopping me from being baptized I am going to dedicate my life do Jehovah God and Jesus Christ my dedication relationship with the father will be final this time I love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ.
Love you all.
Hello Kevin, it is nice to see you are still hanging in there. Winter is sometimes difficult for many persons. It will get better when the sun finally comes back out in full force.
Take your medication and keep in touch with your doctor and things will work out. God got this.
Your friend and sister in Christ, Jacqueline
thank you.
my daughter was harassed for for 2 days because she would not repeat the words do the pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America she was taught buy a Jehovah’s witness of the Jehovah’s witnesses not to pledge allegiance to a flag of any country anyway I suffered a mental attackand lost my daughter to social Service I was in Catawba hospital in Roanoke after my mental illness attack and was killed by force drugs the overdosed me by a doctor then I was put on life support for 11 days then I come through and started breathing on my own I started living again the Jehovah’s witness faith of the flag issue cost me to lose my daughter frustrated with the Jehovah’s witness religion and the governing body I put on the web page friends of Jehovah’s witnesses beyond watchtower wanted to give up my anointed position as a Jehovah’s witness one of Jehovah’s witnesses going to heaven to be a union a union organizer an organized Walmart Incorporated a union to benefit employees anyway investigators in Campbell county Virginia and Lynchburg Virginia had me surveillance for over two and a half years they started investigating me because they thought Walmart Incorporated would close down in Altavista Virginia my phonethat I bought from Walmart investigators started putting on it through the internet that you will never unionize one store of Walmart I went in Walmart and drop my phone in front of them at Alta Vista Virginia and they stole my phone the Walmart management I got angry and threw a TV set in a cart and pushed it outside and Walmart recovered it someone pushed it back in I walked to Pizza hut manly sick mentally and the Altavista police arrested me Walmart demanded that I would be held without bond and Campbell county Blue ridge jail held me without bond when I went to court two months later the judge askedwhy are you all making such a big deal over a TV set it’s just a TV I plead guilty just to be released from jail when I was in jail I prayed to God Jehovah that I would give up my anointed Jehovah’s witnesses position in heaven to meet the and join the Union when I got out I went grocery shopping one night at food Lion an in Altavista Virginia the UFCW Union was there inspected meat and chicken that had blood skins in it blood makes people sick if you eat animal blood anyway after that and went to Walmart and pick up money and gave it to the IUECWA Union and told people Walmart needed a union because I was angry at Walmart because I will held without bond social Service had taken my daughter by the courts I was 6 weeks from being reunited with my daughter Walmart tried to bribe me and investigators with 150,000 car a new mustang anyway I turned down to bribe because I knew they were trying to put me in jail anyway I did not join the UFCW Union at food Lion I went home the flag issue Jehovah’s witnesses cost me and my daughter I love my daughter so much and mental illness and the Jehovah’s witness religion and Walmart Incorporated should have never cost the sacrifice all my daughter I love Jehovah God and I did not give up my place in heaven very soonthe world will come to an end there are more than just Jehovah’s witnesses going to be saved because Jehovah’s witnesses had a lot of control of people’s lives and the flag issue should have never cost my daughter to be sacrificed from my daddy who loved her I was good to my daughter and Walmart Incorporated and investigators and another billion-dollar corporation call food Lion should have never cost me and my daughter I love my daughter and I love Jehovah God with all my heart ❤️ soul and mind and body very soon Jesus Christ will come and and the mental anguishpeople have to suffer because a large corporations get ready Paradise is coming Paradise is coming soon a lot of people have bee manipulated by big corporations and big religion and governments Jesus Christ is real and he loves us my daughter should have never been sacrificed out of my home by big government and Walmart I was just 6 weeks from getting my daughter back when government workers and greedy Walmart management cost me my daughter to be sacrificedfrom my home where she could get independent teaching about Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and God’s kingdom from Kevin Davis her daddy that loves Jehovah Jacqueline I hope you enjoy a paradise Earth it’s coming very soon my daughter will be 18 years old May 30th 2025 let kingdom come soon.
Hi Jacqueline it’s Kevin how are you doing I’m getting better mentally I am doing all right now Jehovah God is a wonderful God and Jesus Christ is a wonderful savior did I ever tell you I called the Jehovah’s witness headquarters and got through to the to the governing body I had a brief conversation with them anyway I hope you’re doing well and I hope you find the freedom of Jesus Christ love and I hope you will be a part of paradise Earth Jehovah God and Jesus Christ make the decisions of who will live on Paradise Earth it’s going to be a wonderful place those that live on Paradise Earth are not second class citizens they are first class citizens they live just as good as those in heaven anyway Jacqueline I love you all
Kevin, perhaps in September when we open the Support Group back up you can come on and tell us your experience of the conversation with a member of the GB.
Take Care, Jacqueline
I’m going to rededicated my life to Jehovah God in Jesus Christ. I turn 45 years of age today. I hope the mistakes of the past a mental illness will not come back I love people I love Jehovah God and I love Jesus Christ. look forward to talking to you and how I’m doing and how you aredoing put Christ first and his father first in your life. I’m going to see my parents today they’re 81 years old they stood by me when I was in the hospital for mental health reasons.
Kevin so nice to hear from you. Jehovah understands your situation more than you think. Remember He is your creator.
Wow your parents are 81, what a blessing!
The support group will start up the first Saturday in September and everyone will be given the chance to tell their experiences in the weeks after that. Join us, you will be welcome.
We felt everyone needed to get outside with people during the summer and not be on Zoom. We have all learned a lot of what the Bible really says and needed to go out and share it with others and meet with other Christians. Take Care
My parents have been there for me visiting me in hospitals after my mental break downs being a Jehovah’s witness. they took care of Makayla and loved my child while i was in the hospital. they are 81 now. it been hard on them my religion. and my metal breakdowns.
I was raped by an elder from Dawn Bible Students.I was under 13 when this happened to me and they covered it all up and helped the rapist get away and even got him a new identity by helping him leave the US and move to Romania where he made other poor defenseless kids his victims .Nobody protected me and I was frequently beaten if I tried to speak up because my entire family is a member . They told me to shut up or die in the 2nd death. Nobody did anything to prevent the rape and they did everything to silence the victim.
Dear Born in the Bible Students,
First of all, let me say to you that I am so sorry that this has happened to you. You were a child.
I believe you.
This is exactly the same way the sister organization responds! The Witnesses will protect the individual and if he is an elder they will try to destroy you in the process as they tried to do to me in a court of law.
This is not the first case that I have personally face to face been told about within the Bible Students. The girl told me and it proved to be true and had the Romania connection.
Now I have to shut up and get to you directly. I am going to email you. I need to make you aware of something before you say another word.
Look for my email and answer me, then we will decide if we talk here or not.
You have a right to be angry, hurt, sad and all the other emotions you are feeling.
Go look for my email. I will write it now.
Hi the email address I have for you might have been wrong so talk to me here on the site, please.
How are you coping? Have you gotten therapy to help you resolve some of the hurt and pain from sexual abuse? Also the child abuse you endured? Have you addressed that specifically? It is child abuse for your parents and the authority within the Bible Students’to abuse you with such a manipulated threat. Let’s discuss the second death that they abused you with.
Let’s analyze it and see if this abusive threat made any sense at all. Answer here if that is okay and comfortable for you and we can begin with the discussion of the second death.
Take Care of yourself mentally and you are very brave!. jacqueline
“One of the shameful, corrupt stances taken by men in authority within the witnesses and Bible Students today is that they don’t encourage conversations to happen on this subject of rape by male and female predators. The moment a young child is not believed or not encouraged to talk… the more likely that problem stays inside and continues. This problem lives in a secret chamber in the darkness. But if we can uplift people, and tell them, ‘We are going to support you. We believe you. We won’t blame you,’ then that’s the first step to healing.”
WOW! This is the reply I got that I felt it was imperative for others to know about this revelation. I have forwarded your emails to Barbara Anderson and she is reading right now as she handles the lawyers’ part of this. But your email is explosive.This is what they are doing here lately in the United States. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXZFVwiXrws
“Hi,thank you for your email.sorry I only saw it now,I rarely checked this email but I will now check it more often.How are you?Have you been abused by Bible Students /Jehovah Witnesses?Do you know an international group where kids and former kids that were raped by Bible Students share their experiences?
I would love to talk to a lawyer from such a group or any lawyer who can understand this trauma.In my case,so far in my personal circles, all lawyers are afraid to tackle the Bible Students and the Jehovah Witnesses.Kids and former kids have been raped with cases spanning the past 45 years.Pedophiles known in Jehovah Witnesses circuit switch to Bible Students membership where they rape more kids and viceversa.Jehovah Witnesses have a secret dirty list of names of known pedophiles that they refuse to share with the police and both cults cover up rapes and child abuse and employ tactics to silence the victims like it’s been happening to me and other victims most of our lives as kids and former kids born in this 2 cults.
There’s American members who are pedophiles that travel to impoverished countries to rape and abuse children and sometimes pedophiles from those countries are brought to the US,they formed together a circular pedophile ring,pedophiles protecting pedophiles ,covering each other ‘s arses against the victims which has made it really hard for victims to seek to prosecute them ,especially victims without a US passport.
I have done my own research and have gathered names and addresses of pedophiles running from US law enforcement and hiding in impoverished nations with the help of the Bible Students who often help this criminals aquire citizenship from those countries where they’re currently hiding ,some have given up their US citizenship especially to escape US law enforcement.Some pedophiles still travel back and forth between the US and impoverished countries where they rape children and hold proeminent positions in this 2 cults.They’ve been getting away with it for years from this point of view you can call them the Harvey Weinstein ‘s and Ghislaine Maxwell’s of the Bible Students.Some victims take their own life, the others that don’t suicide are often pushed into drug addiction and homelessness.I had long periods of homelessness when I was a child because the cult brainwashed my parents to kick me out of the house and give the BS cult the child benefit check my parents were receiving from the state.I had no say in it as I was a minor and
the official local police refused to help me saying it was a matter for social services who placed me in state care where I received some mental health assistance which is why I am sane enough today to stop living in fear and speak my truth.
What is your life experience?”
Hello, Born In Bible Students. I hope you are holding up. You are very brave and efficient.
None of this is your fault. It is the fault of your parents and the organization of Bible Student leaders that allowed this.
All of your emails are being kept private but we wanted to let the readers know this is ongoing. Take Care
Hi Jacqueline,
I thought you and your visitors might like to know about another forum for ex-Bible Students on Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/exbiblestudent/
Any current, skeptical or former Bible Students are welcome to post stories, questions, etc… and share their experiences.
Have a great day!
-Ex-Bible Student
Hi, I actually know you. Many will see your link. I have been on the Redditt thread a lot just reading some of the comments.
I find it triggering to see things that mention Russell said this or that or the governing body says this.
I have trained myself now to check out what the Bible only actually says on a subject.
Of course, I listen to many voices because that is how we learn. But it was such an unpleasant experience most of the time hearing the Bible Students quote Russell and his writings. I felt I was bowing down to another god alongside Jehovah.
Something He strictly forbids to have another god right alongside Him and viewing Russell’s word as just as important as the Bible just upset me.
“I find it triggering to see things that mention Russell said this or that or the governing body says this.”
I understand, but most only mention CTR in the context of criticism and because he was the founder of the Bible Students. No one is giving credence to his teachings in that forum. As an example, I recently posted this criticizing CTR’s instructions on funeral services: https://www.reddit.com/r/exbiblestudent/comments/oqunfp/charles_t_russell_on_funeral_services/
I do hope you feel free to come visit again and consider creating a post there some time sharing your perspective. 🙂
-Ex-Bible Student
I saw your thread on a funeral but didn’t read it. I will. I realize Russell had some things correct and insight, like many today and in the past.
What I am saying is he is not “Special” to the point of worship, adoration and seeing what he said on a subject also.
I am finding the Holy Spirit has power as a teacher. The things we understand from studying and simply reading the scriptures as a small fellowship are amazing.
The Bible is written for us to understand, when there are a few together or many the Holy Spirit does what it is sent to do, teach.
The association with the friends was nice but then you had to grit your teeth through the meetings extolling the Studies in the Scripture quotes or outright study, over and over again to ingrain it in your brain.
The elders wrote me a letter in short explaining that I must accept Russell as the seventh messenger of Revelation. Some things that might happen if I didn’t is some wouldn’t want me at their conventions as a class. Some wouldn’t want to invite me to any private events, etc.
It was a learning experience for me, as I saw where the witnesses got their shunning from. I also got to see how they formed their organization, too.
The Bible Students are
as much an organization as the Witnesses. If you disagree with them on Russell’s doctrines you will see them act as a committee to uphold his word as if it was the Bible.
One elder told me he would not obey Matt 18 at all even tho it was stated by Jesus but Br. Russell’s words are law. Strange indeed.
I do admit that Bible Students are not all the same. They do, however, stand in Unison on Russell being the Angel or 7th messenger and draw the line in the sand.
His authority is not to be questioned.
The “Grand Plan, or “Russellites” classes are more like this.
This would involve the Chicago, Illinois area, Ohio, and most of the Southern States.
I am okay with the brothers doing what they feel suits them in worship.
That is why I am I found most ex-JW exited quietly to leave the brothers alone.
They seem to be so sincere and hold to old understandings that were not revealed in the 17th, 19th, or 20th century.
Quite a bit of what Russell wrote is borrowed information from the 5 centuries previous. He was an amazing editor, researcher, and compilation minister.
Volume one is history and he put it together superbly or his wife did, a lot can be learned.
So to sum it up, I am not against any of the writings of those who did the best they could.
I am just saying Russell is alongside Jehovah and in place of Jesus in the sector of the Bible Student movement that I witnessed.
The insistence on putting Russell upfront is the same and as bold as the Governing Body of (Jehovah’s) Witnesses. I say Jehovah’s witnesses because I know how the internet works with picking up word phrases. I do understand that the Jews are witnesses to how and who Jehovah is.
How does one know that God exists? Look at the Jews!
I see many of the ex-witnesses are so glad to see your platform. May Jehovah and Jesus bless your efforts to spread and discuss the truth of the Bible in freedom from organizational rules and constrictions.
Shalom, Jacqueline
Agreed. I just recently left the bible students because bottom line I am a fantasy/ fiction author and as i shared in your sat night class one time that’s my passion and creativity besides serving the Lord. God gave me my gift to write, but because I wrote on non biblical fantasy fiction though I don’t follow those beliefs , it’s just fiction. I left anyways because like the Jws they keep looking me up on social media to see what I will do next. I NEVER brought up my social life in the meetings and kept it strictly to biblical studies. I am not even a member and visited a few classes, now because of my books word is spreading like wild fire no matter where I visit which ever class so i just don’t go. I still love the volumes and pastor Russell or brother Russell as I call him, so now I’m just isolated and read on my own. So sad they had to investigate me like the jw elders did.
Candice, I will reply tonight. Can you come on the Thursday night study tonight so we can talk. I got a ton of doctor appointments today but I will answer you when I finish. Take Care of yourself. I knew you would wake up. I found it a little more invasive than the witnesses. We will talk.
yes . what time?
We meet at 7:oo pm CST tonight (Thursdays) and 7:00 pm Saturdays.
Hi Candice. I was wondering how you were progressing in the writing of your book. Drop by sometime and give us an update on it. Also your comments about the Bible Students are not surprising. They can be somewhat intrusive in your life. Anyhow it’s always encouraging to hear from you.
Christian Love
Candice, we have been on a journey that took us to where the religious ideas, dogma, and organization rules began.
It is all a part of the process to get free from the teachings of one man that became a religious and controlling empire by his followers.
I somehow feel Russell would see the internet as more of a fulfillment of knowledge traveling faster rather than the invention of the steam engine.
That he would change his mind about Christ thousand-year reign having begun in 1874.
There were other evangelizing movements that believed that but has long dropped that as they know Jesus to be stronger than the rulership we see now. Also, the Bible definitely says not to go out after those who would say look he is in the wilderness or invisible, just follow us.
The Bible students are nice and may God bless them but I just can’t worship the concept of one man and study his 6 books decades after decades for a hundred years. But no problem if they have this fortitude.
I really enjoyed the meeting tonight and it was so nice to see and talk with you.
I just saw your email come up on my phone so I will be going over to it now.
So glad you are able to keep your freedom and not have to join a religion to study the Bible or be slighted or shunned.
What a journey. What a learning experience> It always leads us to Christ as the mediation and “Way” to Jehovah. You don’t need to join an order but freely discuss scripture with other Christians.
I just reread your reply. I didn’t mean your Reddit page triggered me when friends respond. I meant engaging in the teachings. For instance, telling me what Russell taught and what the governing body is saying on a weekly basis. Your Redditt thread is just what is needed!
Some websites review the watchtower studies weekly and listen to the talks every week and discuss them.
That is okay to help those that are still in see where there is error in their reasoning. That is another way to help. It works for them and they are strong enough to hear the words of the governing body and what is in studies in the scriptures on a weekly basis.
I have refrained from too much of what they say and have moved on to what does the Bible actually says. Without referencing what they teach.
That is the approach of this website, to infuse other voices in. To wipe out the former teachings and cause them to think and move forward.
It is a Mental Health site whose purpose is to move readers on. Let them know there are more Christians out there, watching, praying and letting the Holy Spirit talk to them and help.
I used to dwell on Russell vs Jehovah’s witnesses when I was on the Friendsofjehovahswitnesses website.
But I found out the site had an agenda of anger at the Jehovah witnesses not because of doctrinal differences. But because they split away and became a billionaire organization because of the supposed “Will” being changed by Rutherford.
That is their fight, not mine.
I commented on the funeral article you wrote because every word you said is true.
Everything is pushing the agenda of the beliefs of Russell even when people are grieving.
Witnesses do the same. How shameful and conceited.
Sorry for misunderstanding your earlier reply Jacqueline! I’m glad you enjoyed the funeral article.
That is okay, I probably was writing so fast I conveyed it. I put a link on your thread for a zoom conference call we have every Saturday night.
We suspended it for the summer so people could get out with real people. But I do open it up every Saturday just in case someone comes on. Everyone will start back in October or earlier if things get frantic on the world scene. See you on one of them if possible maybe.
Thought for today: It does not matter how you started out but rather how you finish.
Many on this site has gone through a journey of learning.
It might have been negative but it was still lessons learned.
The question put before us now as we see the earth getting angry as Jehovah Speaks;
Will, we now not have others Gods sitting alongside him?
Jehovah will not accept the worship of him and the governing body of the watchtower organization alongside HIM.
He wants exclusive worship.
The governing body of the watchtower has demanded worship as the savior of the witnesses. But now they have been revealed and fallen, a much smaller group because many have escaped and are free.
As you know Jacqueline I’ve been abused By family and Suffered abuse from Campbell County While I was Jehovah’s witness Going through torture of government does to you Either makes you a break you spiritually I’ve been Poisoned For being A Jehovah’s witness I really I am a Jehovah’s witness But I don’t have a single friend in The Jehovah’s witness church I’d like to do things and do things interesting There’s more to life than just It’s knocking on doors . I really love Jehovah And Jesus Christ I am now working on my anger issues And I have Successfully Almost overcome being tortured Jehovah witnessed government body Act like it’s a blessing to be put in jail and be tortured I am a person that has been tortured by the Virginia government And I’m telling you it’s not a blessing to be tortured It is a blessing to treat others with kindness And really care about one another on Earth In a way Jehovah God.And that’s what I’ll focus should be Own. What is the reasons Jacqueline do you think Jehovah’s witnesses get Abuse persecution so much Is it because we are in the truth Or is it another reason Why are we Jehovah’s witnesses so hated Is it because we’re following Jesus Christ Are is it because other reasons I’m a Jehovah’s witness There believes if you believe in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ Through the mediator Jesus Christ You couldn’t sleep at the last in life As you know Jacqueline you you know I believe the 1st fruit receive it 1st Which 144001st fruits I haven’t been to a kingdom hall study sup on YouTube Accept all YouTube Please forgive me Jacqueline my translate it doesn’t work right sometimes the words don’t come out right I don’t know if I’m being shunned Or would I’ve called to kingdom hall and they haven’t come by I want to appear in my life where I was not living by God’s word and I was getting political But now all that’s overwhelmed And And Done Did Jehovah witnesses Maybe I don’t even know Shun me I don’t even know they In a way the subject is due to how will witnesses get persecuted like in Russia and other countries and in Virginia For man Jehovah’s witnesses or for Other reasons Yes people in United States of America get persecuted Sometimes whatever religious beliefs or other reasons mixed with it. I was tortured 24 hours A-day for 2 weeks And basically all I said I was Jehovah’s witness and And build stores And they Tortured me in Virginia . My translator doesn’t always say the words I say it doesn’t work out right sometimes But in a way I was talking about persecution
Kevin Hello, how are you. I haven’t talked to you in a long time but I have seen and read your comments on fojw site within the last year.
I don’t find that Jehovah Witnesses are persecuted any more than Christians in general. Most of the separate persecution is because of induced persecution. That is witnesses will create a situation to bring attention to their religion or belief to receive persecution. Mainly because there is the belief that persecution proves the religion is right. But that is circular thinking.
I really don’t deal with the Witness teaching anymore. I go directly to the Bible now and listen to other voices.
The Witnesses and the Bible Student teaching are from one man who had ideas that don’t fit the Bible narrative accurately. Hopefully, they both can abandon his teachings and get into exactly what the Bible teaches. But if not Jehovah will make it clear for all humans before
judgment what the truth is and individually they can make changes.
Right now, without the influence of personal contact with the elders, dear Christians can go in the Bible in small groups and Jesus says he will be there with them. The Holy Spirit is the teacher and that is all that is needed along with listening to other Christians to understand Salvation.
Kevin, I had to exhale, pray and go directly into the study of the Bible. Youtube ministers from all walks of life can help you. I have a lot that we personally listen to listed all over this site.
Maybe you could forget denominations or having to belong to an organization, or the Witnesses. Go straight to God.
There is no denomination or organization mentioned anywhere in scripture except the Jewish Nation. They are God’s timetable.
The 144,000 according to the Bible are Jewish Males that maybe have not married and are taken out as first fruits. The governing body of Jehovah Witnesses are not being truthful by saying they are. It contradicts scripture.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are not being persecuted any more than other religions in Russia. Even Muslims are receiving the wrath of Russia.
Christians are being Behead for Christ all over the world. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not beheaded or persecuted for Christ. Most of their troubles come because of their doctrines and rebellion when asked to no knock on people’s doors when they tell them not too.
Witnesses of Jesus spread the Good News in many ways.
Door knocking is the BRAND NAME or only identity of the witnesses and if they let their brand name stop they are not known for anything else.
Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Bible as the authority would keep their name alive. It isn’t good to be known for knocking on doors and distinct name of your buildings (kingdom halls) because now all of those things are closed down.
I see this as an excellent opportunity for the witnesses to get to know Jesus and perhaps stop trying to take the place of the Jews, as they only are witnesses of Jehovah.
We are saved by Christ and are witnesses of Jesus throughout the world.
Hw only has saved us through His Blood and it is in His name that we have an approach to Jehovah.
So Kevin try to believe in Jesus rather than thinking you have to be a part of an organization and be obedient to the men controlling it.
We have to move on. The Organization of the witnesses was a journey and for the season we were there. We learned a lot and were deceived a lot. We were shunned, bullied by elders and Circuit-District overseers but it made us STRONG.
You have enough knowledge now to move on and forget about what the organization is doing. It is just that Big money making business, a part of the system and it is falling now.
Babylon the Great in Rev. 17 & 18 shows the fall of the entire system which includes religious organizations like the watchtower.
But the people within is not what is falling, just the institution and the Christians within the organization and governing body can get FREE and run to JESUS.
That will be a new concept to accept Jesus as the way to salvation for witnesses as they have been led to believe you have to be in an organization to be saved.
That is not anywhere in the scriptures.
So look over the site Kevin and go to some of the links and they will have scriptural supports so you can get to know Jehovah and Jesus as our only Saviours with the Holy Spirit there to indwell and help you understand.
Take Care, Kevin. so sorry you are suffering so. Jacqueline
good comments J…..
I hope Kevin got some relief from the Spirit
John we do try to help where we can but sometimes we have to refer the person to local onsite help. May God provide the help that he can give to Kevin.
John We tried to explain as best we could about this site. There are so many Christians receiving the Holy Spirit now and they are on fire!!
The first century Christians were radical from what their Jewish system had taught them. They preached Jesus Risen and the Kingdom of God as the only hope. They did it with vigor and Zeal!
We try to be like them. God has allowed us to be born for such a time as this because he knows we can handle it whether we die for Christ or receive glory with Him as he comes down to sit in Jerusalem on the throne of David.
I believe we are in for a ride this year. Israel is God’s timetable!
So all eyes on this Iran situation because it I see from prophecy will be a trigger of maybe Ezekial 38 war and beyond.
Do you have a particular subject or voice you want to express? If so Let’s talk and give you your page.
You can keep my comments up. I don’t mind at all. In fact, I think it’s important for others to see them. I don’t want to cause anyone any due duress or anything like that, but I also want people to understand where I’m coming from, instead of just remaining silent. I think remaining silent would just allow others to continue not addressing the very real issues I dealt with as a child. And that’s really not fair to me or to anyone who has gone through something similar.
I wasn’t able able to read any of your comment, nor was I able to read what Ann wrote. It seems all my comments are gone, too.
Cyndi, when I saw you had consideration about your mom seeing them I got concerned but since this next Copy and paste from our email conversation I see it doesn’t matter if others see what you have to say.
Silence is what abusers want. And I am glad you are telling your story. The Bible students are identical to the witnesses and many ex witnesses will be saved precious time by seeing your. posts.
I am posting our conversation so they can see that this is not really your Mom. You got a raw deal!
Hi Jacqueline!
Thank you for her info. I’ll email her. (if there ends up being any wonky spacing or what-have-you, it’s because my email client apparently thinks I shouldn’t double space after a sentence. It’s been drummed into my head from the moment I was 13 years old, learning how to type in my typing class! LOL)
I don’t mind my posts being published. I have a lot to say, and with adult-diagnosed ADHD (had it as a kid, but whaddaya know, I was never treated for it), I tend to take awhile to get around to my point. More than anything, I just wanted to reach out to others who were hurt by the Bible Students in some way and feel like they don’t have much of a voice. I didn’t have a voice then, and waited over 20 years to finally say something.
You know what’s really sad? I refer to my stepmom as my mom because she raised me. It wasn’t the best childhood experience – I was difficult, argumentative, and really, really clingy. I was told to believe that my biological mother abandoned me. But that is probably one of the worst lies ever told to me. I’ve already mentioned this, but my dad is a narcissistic, manipulative, truly horrible person. He was responsible for her leaving and he was responsible for her “giving me up” and letting him have me. I was just a pawn, really. My dad wanted nothing more to find himself a rich woman who would fund his horse racing habit. It took him four wives to find her. My biological mother was his second wife. She didn’t really have a whole lot and honestly, I don’t know why my dad married her, other than she was absolutely beautiful. She had her own hangups and issues (kept trying to find her version of love and I don’t know if she ever found it), and it wasn’t a great marriage. They were separated for much of my infancy through toddler years. She had full custody of me, while my dad had weekends sort of thing. The thing is, my mother didn’t abandon me. My dad terrified her so badly that she felt it was her only hope of escaping him. She came home to find him beating the absolute snot out of my oldest half brother Duane with a rubber shoe. My mom tried to intervene and he turned on her. I don’t know if he hit her, but she was so scared of him, she decided it was time for her to go. But, when she finally did leave, he told her she couldn’t take me and he somehow ended up causing her to lose custody of me. I used to think she didn’t fight for me very hard, but knowing what my dad is capable of, I don’t blame her at all. She really was terrified of him. He also told her that if she made any effort to contact me at all, he would see to it that she would lose custody of her two sons, too. So, of course she thought he could do it. He was that good at convincing and manipulating people. She left me with a monster, but I don’t blame her for it because she really didn’t have the resources to fight someone with a powerful lawyer friend and someone who could really put on an act.
Anyway… what I was getting at (ADHD makes storytelling interesting, I guess!) was, I always thought my mother abandoned me. I felt abandoned, and was treated like I was. Like, my mom abandoned me and left me for another man in Minnesota. That’s what I was told. It made me feel so angry – she left me with a monster to go live a new life with a man and she never thought about me again. But, what’s so sad about this story is I was never formally adopted or anything by my stepmom. She made me call her “mom,” but she never did anything to take steps to formally adopt me. I don’t know if that’s something she could have done, but when her cousin introduced me to others as her “stepdaughter,” it really, REALLY hurt my feelings. It made me feel worthless, like I wasn’t good enough to be anyone’s daughter.
I don’t speak to my dad. He’s married for a 5th time and lives not too far from me, but I have no desire to subject my daughter to him.
Thanks again for Ann’s number and email. I’ll write to her soon.
Cyndi 🙂
Brothers please go to Winston’s Channel! Some very back news!!!
The Watchtower is waging a war against Channels that criticize their unscriptural doctrine. They tried to take down Cedars Channel now they are attacking Winston by make false claims against Winston. Does anyone know how we can protest this with YouTube and help Winston? I follow Winston and know that he has never spoke against vaccines or health protocols. We don’t want his Channel to be taken down!!!!!
Hi Theodophilis, I have not posted the trouble we have been having, simply because I didn’t want to give whomever this is the satisfaction of knowing that they caused us time and money to get our site back up and running.
Youtube and Facebook are free, therefore they oversee or govern what you can and cannot do. That is why we pay for our sites so the content is not governed.
These persons that attack our site and take it down can only do that and Godaddy goes after them!
The way I combat this is with silence. Like the tortoise and the hare, we just keep on worshipping Yahovah, Jesus, and work in harmony with the Holy Spirit.That is how I protest by going deeper into the Bible and ignoring these people.
We have been zoom boomed, had letters written to us, been asked to have meetings with the elders because we also observe and partake at Memorial. It seemed they thought they only should do this with their Eventbrite service. They take Daves site down regularly but we get it back up. There are other things that have been done that is suspect, but I won’t give them the satisfaction of hearing me tell about it.
If we were doing something wrong Jesus would not be our protector. More light on scriptures seems to come after each attack. We get stronger in the word and just ignore them.
Winston is probably suffering from stress. I was under so much as I tried to exit the Bible students that it and the stress of my family harsh shunning because in a meeting with Bethel they were told to do it, I had a stroke.
So that is why I don’t fight with my family now or give any heed to this organization or it’s counterparts. It will kill you. He probably isn’t sleeping well. Some of his symptoms are mimicking “long haul Covid-19′.
As far as the Channel takedown, which is a very effective channel, along with Lloyds channel.
I say leave it alone and let them talk about what is happenning. This is visible evidence if the government start to crack down on violators of human rights and their freedom to worship with belonging to an organization.
Publicity is publicity! There is no bad Publicity! Let them keep it up and as always get themselves in trouble when someone hits their bottom line with a lawsuit that will stick because they have evidence.
So do nothing and let them bury themselves, that is my sggestion.
We will be hated by ALL nations for his names sake. We will get there soon enough, as far as WT is concerned and youtube, we are all attacked in one way or another when we speak up for the WORD of truth against any who allow doctrines and commands of men to stand in place of Scripture. I never mention WT on my site, but I do speak on any religious groups as a whole making claims of authority over the body. My site is brute force attacked almost daily! For what? Who knows, I have to keep multiple security measures in place because of it. Some people are just bored and want to cause trouble it seems! If Winston could get himself his own page then he could control content, perhaps we can all come together and help him with this? Just a thought..
Lee Anthony, I got an email from Dave suggesting to a certain degree the same thing, to try and help Winston.
I never go the youtube or Facebook route because they control your content if a large organization complains about your experience with them. Also, Youtube is getting free content and I find it very helpful to me but to let an organization cause so much trouble is troubling to me.
I would never put content on youtube because of this, although I am a big fan of its news coverage etc.
Both this site and Dave have had Brute Force shutdowns in the last month.
GoDaddy said one load that was eating up data appeared to be targeted at just this site and they found a way in on the BigBlueButton add-on that I couldn’t remove. So they forced it off and wanted to study to see who this was. They gave me a new site because it was embedded.
As you stated Lee, we will be hated and persecuted by those that aren’t big on Jesus as the Savior but rather themselves or an organization.
I have made a decision to keep away from persons that shun me and not try to have a relationship. It will send you to an early grave with their back and forth shunning.
This also was foretold by Jesus and we respect every warning he gave us and humbly accept it as Yehovahs’ allowance so that a lesson can be learned.
I find I am at peace when I have just stopped trying to have a relationship with anyone that wants to shun me.
The Apostle Paul had to deal with many issues within the early Church. In his letter to the Brothers in Thessalonica Paul had to deal with an issue related to false prophets. Some in Thessalonica were teaching that Christ had already returned. In their zeal and impatience due to the extreme persecution they were facing they felt that the return of Christ invisibly indicated that Jesus would soon end their suffering and that his Kingdom would soon take away their problems. As a result many were refusing to work and carry on a responsible life. Since the Kingdom was so close. why work or plan ahead? Does this sound familiar? How did Paul address these issues? Notice!
2Corinthinans 2
2 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers,[a] 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness[b] is revealed, the son of destruction,[c] 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Paul made it clear that Christ had not yet returned! As for their idleness and lack of responsibility notice what he says in Chapter 3
6 Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us. 7 For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it, but with toil and labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you. 9 It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 11 For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. 12 Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.
Jesus himself warned us against false prophets.
Matthew 24:. 23 Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christ’s and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather
Yes Christ’s return will be unmistakably evident! It will not be invisible or known to only a select few!
He warned us: 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.
Any organization that set themselves as mediators between man and Christ, taking the place of Christ in our salvation, should be avoided! Many Christian organizations have does this exact thing. They have put a man or group of men as mediators between us and God. Yet the Bible makes clear that our only mediator, our only way of salvation is through Jesus Christ! It is not the Pope, Charles Russell, The Governing Body of the Watchtower, or any one else! We have Christ as our mediator, King and savior. We have the Holy Sprit as our guide and teacher to help us know the word of God. We have the Father whose grace grants us forgiveness and provides us with all we need.
Christ did not return in 1874, or 1914! He has been invisibly present with us since his resurrection into heaven. Matthew 28:19 and 20
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Hello, Jacqueline,
I think I have been on here before and written. Apologies, but I have severe memory problems and huge holes appear that I can’t access, or things are jumbled…on the plus side, it provides entertainment for people who know me when I do yet another dumb thing.
You’ve been at this a while. I hope you feel positive with what has developed during those years. I know there’s a way to go and people are still hurting badly and enduring abuse. What a difference now that people can connect up with others being shunned or d7efamed by Watchtower. I saw the stark loneliness of my ex when d’fed before internet days. Crushing isolation.
Hi, I can’t remember where we first met but I know the title JW Suicides! I have had a stroke since then and sometimes can’t place where I know someone from. Hey, what you gon do, old age.
I am satisfied with the way things have panned out. Persons wanting to be free have lots of friends and places to go now and talk. It wasn’t like that in 1966 when my mother encouraged me to find my own religion although she was still a witness and dozens more in our family.
I moved up north away from the South, stayed, got married, raised children, married them off etc.
I frankly never knew about the shunning as my mom and father were DF and no one shunned them down South in Alabama. The watchtower was segregated then and never impacted my life.
We had a very kind one-man Company servant and, he was nice. My childhood as a Jehovah’s Witness was the best a child could have! We had friends both within and outside of our communities.
You played with the kids in the neighborhood, not just witnesses and you were a part of making the community work. My brother and I even went to Summer Bible School in the Church.
There was not the interference and cultlike flavor to the religion that we have now, until the Governing body and Elder arrangement came in. Raymond Franz instituted it but soon recanted that it was horrible.
I never accepted all of Russell’s doctrines because my father and grandfather considered it a “white man’s religion” because it had so few black persons then and they basically left us alone.
This elder arrangement was nothing short of a “gang” of enforcers and little men given power over the congregations.
I saw it degrade after 1968 by bringing in all sorts of people to “be alive in 75”, the predicted end of the world.
Pedophiles in the jail system studied with them and on TV they showed them being baptized.
The Wardens allegedly told them that the only ones studying with them were pedophiles but they didn’t listen.
The “gang” of Gestapo elders enforced a system where the women were one step above a dog and that put their children at risk.
Whenever you tie the hands of the females her children are at risk. So satan orchestrated this.
I began fighting the pedophile issues in the 1970s but later learned it was systemic!
Now with so much news coverage and help and support from God, parents are now aware that this is a sexual paradise for abuse and can protect their children and speak out without fear.
Now since we have so much help out there on the internet Our main focus here is to “Get all the Air out of the Glass” by filling it up with what God and Jesus are revealing to so many dear Christians all over the internet.
They no longer have as you said crushing isolation.
Tell us your story here, if you please we have thousands reading.
BTW, I need to look at my emails and see if you are the one wanting the phonograph. If so we can exchange stuff and go direct. I have the photos on my phone. I sent them to my son.
I know this is long but others like to read. I know when I was isolated from my family I loved reading my brothers’ journey. I didn’t feel so lost, it was a connection.
Take Care, Jacqueline
I have recently began some online courses offered through Dallas Theological Seminary. Currently I am in Revelation. I find this extremely enlightening and would highly recommend them. Each video series is broken down into relatively short studies.
Here is the link: https://courses.dts.edu
Thanks, I took learn the Bible in 24 hrs with Chuck Missler an the Torah verse by verse by Torah Class. Took me a year to finish most of it. Only now am i finishing the minor prophets. I will go through this also.
Verse by verse instead of topic is better because the topic of the Bible is Jesus redemption.
You can tear out pages from the Bible and still understand His Plan. There are no baptism doctrine chapter nor any doctrinal chapters topic study is indoctrination.
Everyone, in order to see the entire website you have to enable cookies on the new banner. Otherwise, you may only see part of the comments
Our dear brother Eric Wilson provides another source for meeting and association. I love the comments he makes in this video. It fits very well the purpose of our Forum
Acts 8:26-40 Phillip was sent to talk to one man an Ethiopian, who said how can I understand without someone to help me?
Thank you so much for these posts that you are supplying. We are talking about them and passing it on. I often don’t respond because I want everybody to see your links easily. I will collapse this reply to you after I am sure you have read it so your comment is on top. This is just wonderful to have another great study. Did you notice he has a direct link in the black section on this site also to his you tube channel? I have had it up for quite a while and he is doing such a great job. He works hard and it is so nice to be able to have more study groups on different nights and times. especially during this pandemic.
Another example of how the Organization speaks out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to shunning family! Watch this 6 minute video! Get it straight from their own two sided lips!
Hi Jacqueline
My heart goes out to those who have lost love ones or suffered at the hands of an organizations extreme policies of shunning, blood transfusions, handling of pedophiles, and the way rape is handled. The Watchtower has created more atheists and agnostics than any other religion that I am aware of per capita! The suicide rate is totally unacceptable! I have witnessed two young brothers that I watched grow up commit suicide. I have seen many young ones leave God entirely because of the shunning doctrine. Rather than helping these ones overcome their issues, they are fed to the wolves without any support! I have seen some of my friends die because of the blood issue. The policy that if a sister is raped but does not scream can be disfellowshipped is a gross misapplication of Scripture.
The many false doctrines are certainly concerning, but I feel a person has a right to their beliefs. Only God can judge. But when those beliefs result in blood guilt on the part of the religious leaders then those beliefs and practices should be exposed!
At the same time when members of the ex-JW community twist things, take things out of context, or slander the organization all they are doing is proving the organization right when it comes to what they term as apostate! It also bothers me that the ex-JW community seems to accept the Apostate label. That is up to them, but I personally refuse to accept that label. I am a Christian! I follow what the Holy Spirit reveals to me from the Bible. The only apostates I see are those religious leaders who subvert Gods Word and follow a different Gospel.
I love dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ whose YouTube channels expose the false doctrines of the organization using the Scriptures. Our dear Brother Eric Wilson, Brother and Sister Aspinal, Winston from Watchtower Examination, and others who firmly believe in the Word of God! That is why I love this format that you, through the direction of Holy Spirit provide for us!
I pray that those who have their eyes opened can find these support mechanisms! Turn their minds to serving our Lord Jesus and find help dealing with the attrocities they have endured. My heart goes out to them! My posts are geared to helping these lost sheep find the fine Shepherd, our Lord Jesus!
TedR you are so right, the pen is mightier than the sword.
I agree Christian is what we should call ourselves.
I don’t refer to myself as an ex Jehovah Witness either. I never joined a corporation.
I was recently drilled by a lawyer on where I actually go to worship. He had a difficult problem at first with what would be called the “Un-Churched”, no building. The internet friends are way ahead of the world at large. All religions have been Unchurched because of Covid-19. Proving that the Church are people not a building. We have over 15,000 viewers.
Henry will present a short documentary on this now recognized “Small groups, No Building” on Saturday.
Wow, you have seen a lot of some of the after effects of shunning and following doctrines like no blood made up by men’s interpretation.
So glad to see Eric and others speak out. I met most of them years ago on the other site.
The watchtower often “exposed” the teachings of other Christian Religions in their publications. They called it their duty and right. They lied on these religions. I was deprived of hearing about Christ.
So they set the bar for exposure.
Are they able to take what they have dished out over a Century?
No! They label it persecution and apostasy when people tell the truth about them.
They lash out in a Campaign of hatred by destroying families and causing much bloodshed.
Russia, a country without God really had legitimate reason to put pressure on them to stop trying to make people accept their religion as the only thought or lose their families.
The internet and websites have been a blessing for harmed Christians.
In the free world the watchtower society might just be the biggest persecutors of Christians.
Your thoughts on here are among the top 5 pages accessed daily. So keep using the pen to tell out what the Holy Spirit of Jehovah teaches you to say. It will burn inside of you if you dont tell what it puts in your mouth.
We have Br Rice from the Bible students attend often on our Thursday night Studies and his great insight adds another dimension. It also shows Christian’s can meet without the name barriers just straight Bible.
There is Freedom an Liberty in Christ. Thanks for all you do TedR.
Hi Jacqueline
I understand. Forgiveness does not mean you have to allow yourself to be abused and sometimes we have to take legal measures to prevent further abuse. I see many ex-Watchtower members angry to the point of slander, even retaliation as in some of the Kingdom Hall arson’s and bombings. They resort to extreme name calling. Many of these, unfortunately have allowed their experience to reject the Bible and it’s standards. They feel that if the Watchtower doesn’t have the truth then no one does, becoming atheists or agnostic. Forgiveness, however does not hold a grudge . We don’t allow the wrong or wrongdoer to eat at us, rather we place the situation in the hands of the great Judge. We wouldn’t try to get even or return evil for evil. If a person is repentant then we would not want to keep up bringing our the wrong done to us. That doesn’t mean we have to have a friendship with the wrongdoer.
Our Father freely forgives those who are repentant. He no longer holds those wrongs against us. Otherwise none of us would be saved. Jesus told us to forgive our brother “up to seventy seven times”. In the case of the organization or any religious movement, as long as you are speaking truth and helping others not to fall into the trap of obvious false doctrine and extreme control, You are following Christ’s example. Jesus openly condemned the religious leaders of his day! You have been a fine example in doing this. But when we speak falsehood or reject clear Bible truth then we place ourselves in great danger. We are no better than those trying to enforce their beliefs on us. I see too much of this in the ex-JW community!
As I said, you have a right to protect yourself. I think you have handled your situation in a just manner. Keep up the fine work you are doing for the Lord.
TedR, thanks. The MYSTERY IS SOLVED! I was informed why the elders had a big meeting and one came to my home after 20 years of never setting foot in the kingdom hall.
I got calls that told me what the problem is.
On Memorial 2020 I opened the zoom up hours early so people could make sure they could get on and many came on. some stayed but many clicked back out and came back in. I never said anything just observed.
Well, it turned out the Watchtower organization had paid advertisement for number one spot and hosted their international Memorial as well as local kingdom halls on local zooms.
Well, the name of our Memorial, and the actual words of the Watchtower was the same! I was informed by Dave to put up ours in late January and thought up the wording and he approved it. I didn’t copy off the watchtower. I never go to their site for any reason.
But because the words were identical Google put us number 2 spot right under them and that is how persons got confused. As you know we had 33 or more people on, many thought we were witnesses and we were on for 3 hours after the Memorial was over.
This was no doubt reported from a sister in Atlanta Ga. that used to live in my kingdom hall territory. She figured out it was our site.
The elders here convened and that is why the elder said “I decided to get up (from their meeting) and come over here and ask you if you were disfellowshipped. He said he told them, no, but this sister was insisting.
His main point was to stop all persons from talking to me even family and I have found out this week they have gone to my family all over the United States, even having an internet meeting with some from New York about me.
So this incident just made me wonder if some of the others that have had experiences with them were being harassed.
Those angry have had their families and little children taken from them and had family committed suicide so I pray for them.
I heard some of the details of the rapes, etc and I have not walked a mile in their shoes.
Hopefully, these ones you speak of will have peace of God eventuallyI.f you leave you will be persecuted as Jesus said.
Barbara Anderson sent me the little saying yesterday that I posted to show we as humans feel their pain.
So glad you posted and I posted back because I got the Mystery solved and the actual name of the woman from Atlanta that called. She also called individuals in my neighborhood.
So thanks to your post, I can put their increased activity after 20 years to rest. The Memorial listing on Google caused it.
BTW on Saturday, we have something that perhaps talks directly about meetings like ours and websites. Henry will present it. We found it on a talk on the web about what is called”The Unchurched”, small groups that don’t go to a building but have been on the internet for years and studying the Bible. Take Care
When a person leaves an organization like the Watchtower often they angry. Perhaps they feel they were dealt an injustice. They may feel lied to. Notice what James has to say in this regard:
James 5:7 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near. 9 Don’t grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
I so often see back biting and arguments taking place among those claiming to be Christian. Due to our human pride we have a tendency to feel that our view is right and others are wrong. This is especially true with organizations like the Watchtower, Mormons, Christedelphians and others. This has gone to the extreme of shunning or condemning someone to second death and cutting off association with that person. The result is hard feelings and divisions. But as Christians, followers of Christ, shouldn’t we look to his example.
Jesus, scourged, beaten, and nailed to the Cross by the very people he was sent to save showed no bitterness. He asked his Father to forgive them! Notice what Peter has to say regarding this:
1 Peter 2:21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
22 “He committed no sin,
and no deceit was found in his mouth.”
23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. 24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 25 For “you were like sheep going astray,” but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
We also have the example of Joseph. Betrayed and sent into slavery by his own brothers, yet he showed no animosity. He was willing to forgive!
Shouldn’t we be willing to forgive those who may bring injustice against us, especially if they claim to be fellow followers of Christ?
Christ felt sorrow for his persecutors. So too, we should feel sorrow for those who in the name of Christ persecute their fellow Christians for simply not sharing the same understanding of Scripture. Should we not be willing to forgive those who we feel hurt us in some way? I remember an illustration given once in a Public Talk by a Circuit Overseer. A man once killed his neighbors cat. He was sorry and asked forgiveness. The man who’s cat was killed forgave that man. Yet any time he had a visitor he would keep bringing up how his neighbor killed his cat. In effect, he kept digging up his cat. What about us? If we are wronged by someone, do we keep digging up our cat? Do we forgive?
Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
The following video presented by a former Watchtower member can help us place these things in proper perspective.
Like, Coronavirus measures have to be put in place to stop the spread of it or it will get out of control and overstep every boundary. Some Religions are like this they won’t stop.
Hi TedR, and this is sound advice if only for our mental security. But let me share the flip side of this experience.
I recently got a visit from a local congregation that I haven’t attended in over 20 years.
This is just 2 weeks ago in Covid-19 environ and I have him on ring doorbell because we spoke through the open window on my porch. His entire conversation was to see if I was disfellowshipped. 4 times he addressed it although there is a restraining order in place for elders or anyone representing the governing body to not harass me in any way. I won this order in court because of admission and confession by an elder.
Because I have had a stroke and his badgering me was excessive to the point 2 neighbors listened, I told a male family friend.
He called the elder and advised him that there is a restraining order in place to restrain this behavior and asked that he nor any circuit overseers or elders not enter the property again or it would have to be reported to the courts.
So there are circumstances where it is not a matter of ones that have chosen to leave voluntarily not being forgiving, but the organization leadership is harassing them.
The religions like the ones you mention tend to not get the point that a person has left fellowship with them voluntarily.
They prefer that they be the ones to perform this disfellowshipping, not the individual disfellowship or remove themselves from fellowship with them.
In a case like this, a person might have to take action if they feel threatened or their family is being threatened with disfellowshipping or told not to fellowship with them because they have chosen to leave these types of religions.
Sometimes 20 years of ignoring them aren’t enough. Organizations must see that there are consequences for violating the civil rights of former members.
Most that have left these types of religions are over them but the nature of the framework of high control groups is not to let you leave unless they give you permission.
So to sum it up, most of the time it is the organization or association as some like to call themselves that won’t back off but feel that if you leave without their permission you will be harassed.
Not disagreeing just presenting the challenges that people experience when they try to leave high control hierarchy religions. The blame usually is with them not the former members. And there are platforms that allow these members to express their concerns and get help and support in how to get on with their lives and families without interference from vindictive religious bodies or elders.
Sometimes these groups will see a disfellowshipped person (whether they did it or the former member)and they will whisper to others or give looks and take stances of arrogance against them in public places. Some report this.
I agree to just ignore it as persecution of Christians that Jesus said would happen if they chose him instead of worshipping men and institutions. Not to vary their movements just have a pleasant countenance and move on.
It can indeed be difficult but your link will help them to endure this. Prayer when in these circumstances helps a lot.
With no direct oversite many are attempting to leave but there are tough times ahead and they are new at this and we have to let them vent or they will not move on. They need our support that they can tell their story without thinking they are complaining.
These are unprecedented and difficult times indeed and each story is different. Each mile walked is different for each person. Make the God of Peace prevail.