Thank you , you are so smart.Thanks to Barbara as well. Those 2 words are exactly the correct ones to describe Bible Students behavior when confronted with facts! They always have this slick and sneaky coverup tactics and disregard for national and international secular authorities and they always pull ”alternative facts ” ,for them reality and facts and the truth are all up for grabs and negotiations ! It’s insane because facts are facts,one cannot be raped and not raped at the same time,one is not Erwin Schrödinger’s cat, that at 1 time was considered both dead and alive.You hear about pedophiles in Jehovah Witnesses but not a peep ever seemed to reach the public mind or the press about Bible Students !
They swallowed up my entire family ,even now I am scared but don’t want to live with their Damocles sword dangling over my head for the rest of my life and also don’t want to them to make new victims I just discovered that the pedophile that raped me is still allowed by the Bible Students to be around children in a preaching position that may be perceived as one of authority by those children.It makes me sick because I was belittled , silenced and gaslighted by them as a kid and they’re still trying to do the same today.
6:57 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi, I would really appreciate it if we kept our conversation via email ,I don’t want to be publicly identifiable via the details of my case,since ask Jacqueline can be seen by anyone. BS cult might be tipped off and lawyer up? How did they react to your case,you mentioned they tried to destroy you and that you
You mentioned a girl told you and also had the Romania connection ,did she share her story with you ,can you put us in touch ,maybe we can form a coalition or at least a support group ?Also,do you know that disgusting vile pedophile man Andrew Tate that recently got cancelled from Instagram and Facebook,he moved from the US to Romania to date teenagers because the laws there are more lax?I heard it through ”the grapevine ” that he is targeting teenage girls shunned by Jehovah Witnesses so ”he can make an imprint on them”. Nobody should allow Andrew Tate near any teenage children .
I’m a Jehovah witness and I am sorry to hear what you all went through. Jehovah doesn’t like anyone that does horrible, wicked act on anyone Nothing shouldn’t have been swept under the rug. However you better believe if I see anything, hear anything I will definitely put them on blast witness or not. All the elders aren’t bad. For the ones that cover the act of a gross action will not go unjust Jehovah will take care of them in due time. I haven’t seen the whole story so I don’t know if they went to jail ” I hope they did” especially for the gross act they done of abusing, and for the ones that didn’t bother to report it to the police for further investigation. I will never leave the organization I love Jehovah and my brothers and sisters ” but I will never keep silence, I won’t cover the gross act for no one. I am the type to speak up and to take action that’s; what Jehovah would want me to do. Matter of fact we have articles about protecting your kids from predators of any kind, witness or not. Check it out on . My thoughts and prayers goes out . I hope you all someday to find peace after sharing your story. even though the scars will never go away. Love Inez.
Hello Inez and thank you so much for commenting and please feel free to look over the site. We the writers are not in anguish anymore as many have recovered. But thank you for your kind concern. Feel free to comment at the end of any article you read also. This site has a slightly different slant to it as we all can say what we see without getting shut down. All can think and we encourage it, so keep that in mind that our articles are from different countries and some people in no religion at all in some of the comments. Tell us more about what you think. Take Care
Just How Much Will it Take?
How far does this organization have to go before people stop and go to the Bible to question their beliefs that mirror their conduct?
Beliefs that goes directly against clear statements in the Bible.
Especially saying Christ has returned invisibly already and they are the 144,000. Just those two should be questioned. They are very direct on the answers.
And from now on I will refer to the watchtower society as the witnesses and not profane God’s Name by calling them Jehovah’s witnesses. I like that this premiere did just that, they refused to connect this with the Holy name of God. Take heed that you not be deceived says Jesus. But we didn’t check out the origin of the witnesses. We check them by looking in their books and magazines about themselves. Russell started the deception by falsely predicting the end of the world in 1914 and it has gotten more deceptive to our day in 2020. What does it take to go directly to the Bible without their books. To see and hear these rapes and cover ups is sickening. The governing body is satanic.How could they be so cruel?
Wow, this is interesting that the article on Kobe Bryant which will be the most read article around the United States has the article on Witness Child sexual abuse.
Is this a coincidence or what? I wouldn’t want anything bad about me in the same magazine as Kobe.
Jeff, you taped the show. Could you slow it down to look at the credits please for us? You would recognize the many forms and names that would indicate it is me. You know them all that I use,lol.
My mom watched the program and researched one of the men accused and she found he was never convicted of his crimes. I don’t know the name I have not viewed it myself
The victim I helped get out of the situation, in fact, two, were adults the police station told me and they would have to file the report. Although young adults they decided not too. So that might be why he was not convicted.
The average rape victim of Jehovah’s witnesses thinks if they go public it will be “reproach on Jehovah’s name.” They don’t realize God’s Witnesses are the Jewish nation. That this is a damaging misuse of HIS name and heresy of sorts to bander his name around.
Little children in school who are acting out say I am a Jehovah witness, rapist use the name and the governing body who are just criminal in my book uses the name. It is so disrespectful to carry His name on such a filthy organization.
I got a message from Alabama on women that tuned in to the program on Oxygen. This house of people is not and has never been Jehovah’s witnesses.
One grandmother got sick! She said she had to turn off the TV when she sees how and what the governing body and elders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are like. I refused to watch it.
I asked the person to tell this grandmother that I didn’t look because after seeing the preview, my heart got so heavy.
I have spoken with Trey Bundy over the years and one of the worse cases I have known is the adopted daughter of it/ District Overseer, who I hear now is retired. She couldn’t be found during the filming of some of these segments.
Australia also has another horrible child sex abuse. I got in touch with the Australian police and a pedophile ring was uncovered and the Royal Commission on Jehovah’s Witness Child sexual abuse convened. This is like our GrandJury.
Scratch that, on demand only. If oxygen is not available a free trial of directv now can be used to see it, there are others too like sling that have it I think. You get 7 days free after the shows are done you cancel and they don’t charge. I’ve done it before to watch channels I did not have a day or so using PayPal, was not charged and cancelled no problems.
Lee Anthony thank you so much. She is also giving out 3 free credits today that you can use. You can go to and it will give Universal credits. I am waiting to use mine for tonight. Also I am going to sign up to directv for the free trial just in case.
PS. Please go open your email to understand what TedR is talking about. I forwarded an email to the entire group from Dave.
We have dish, no oxygen on ours. I downloaded oxygen app and it lets me watch live t.v. Free on my iPad, no code or anything was needed, can also see the cult show on demand 1st few episodes already on there.
Not sure about any sign in TV code. I always had Xfinity and it comes as I am accustomed to. Hoping everyone would check ahead of time of what type of TV cable program they have and try it out earlier to be sure they are positive they will receive it before any disappointment.
Jeff she is said to make it free for those like me that have cheap TV and it is not on the list of cable companies that I can sign in to. Locast does not have oxygen. I hope everybody go to Press on listen live and it will let you know if you need to sign in through your TV carrier.
Jeff do you think some need to check and see before time if they can get it on Saturday on Oxygen without a cable TV code?
I have cheap TV, Locast, $5.00 a month. lol and it isn’t listed as one you can sign in and get a code.
Guys I am looking at the two videos above and I think I have to turn it off!
It is taking me back to a dark place. I know some of the dark details of what happened to some of the victims and my own case of dealing with the organization on my aborted rape that was allegedly orchestrated by them to make me an adulterer so I would not have credibility if called to court to testify for Chinita Manuel, a horrific pedophile case involving allegedly elders and family according to the victim. Their elder was married and was allegedly promised he would not be disfellowshipped or lose his position as an elder.
So this takes me back even further to the 1980s with my very first case. I don’t know if I can look at the Sunday presentation alone.
I know some of the horrible details of one congregation’s child sex ring in Australia. The main victim committed suicide by running her car into a tree in 2012. I was at a Bible Student convention when they pulled the plug on her at the hospital and I joined in on the internet.
This started the Royal Commission Grand Jury in Australia.
So Everybody to make sure you all can get on to see the full length:
Oxygen is a TV/cable or Whichever one of these you can find in your market.
If you have Roku go to the Roku channel store and download Oxygen and you have it.
I don’t have firestick, but I imagine you have a channel store.
Or just go to Saturday and Sunday.
It must be advertising because I am getting calls and emails asking me if I knew about this and I have for months. I did put it on the site last month. This is just a few days before so this is better. Enjoy
This is the preview for the showing of the treatment of pedophilia within the organization. Look at the trailer then find where it is on your TV Stations.
traveler on Contact Us: “I now have a pdf of our paper. By the way it’s adoption as the children of God, not sons;)” Feb 9, 14:47
traveler on Contact Us: “It seems the pictures did not copy and paste, but I think you can still get the idea. If you…” Feb 9, 08:28
traveler on Contact Us: “Hi Jacqueline, I said We’d write a paper on Adoption as son’s of God. Here it is. It may seem…” Feb 8, 21:02
traveler on Contact Us: “You were baptized into what Kevin?were you or anyone baptized into the JW organization, no. Even the organization believes the…” Feb 6, 11:09
Kevin Davis on Contact Us: “I’m Kevin Davis I am a Jehovah’s witness and I do not attend the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s witnesses anymore…” Feb 5, 23:24
Gary Charles on Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?: “I am not offering SEO or PPC services. This is something entirely different. Simply send us your desired keywords, and…” Jan 23, 08:05
traveler on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “well as you probably noticed my editor/partner is not up to the task right now so, yep I suppose I…” Jan 18, 13:25
Kevin Davis on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “As I started to realize that I had a lot to offer the Jehovah’s witnesses that but I was not…” Jan 12, 15:36
traveler on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “I mention some time ago that I’d write a paper on the Adoption process of the children of God and…” Jan 9, 10:52
Kevin Davis on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “Religion trials about spiritual abuse and child abuse cases will soon begin. On a global scale the United Nations government…” Jan 7, 20:41
To Born in the Bible Students
Mothers are aware that pedophilia is happening often and does nothing.
This will also help until you are contacted Borm In Bible Students.
Thank you , you are so smart.Thanks to Barbara as well. Those 2 words are exactly the correct ones to describe Bible Students behavior when confronted with facts! They always have this slick and sneaky coverup tactics and disregard for national and international secular authorities and they always pull ”alternative facts ” ,for them reality and facts and the truth are all up for grabs and negotiations ! It’s insane because facts are facts,one cannot be raped and not raped at the same time,one is not Erwin Schrödinger’s cat, that at 1 time was considered both dead and alive.You hear about pedophiles in Jehovah Witnesses but not a peep ever seemed to reach the public mind or the press about Bible Students !
They swallowed up my entire family ,even now I am scared but don’t want to live with their Damocles sword dangling over my head for the rest of my life and also don’t want to them to make new victims I just discovered that the pedophile that raped me is still allowed by the Bible Students to be around children in a preaching position that may be perceived as one of authority by those children.It makes me sick because I was belittled , silenced and gaslighted by them as a kid and they’re still trying to do the same today.
6:57 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi, I would really appreciate it if we kept our conversation via email ,I don’t want to be publicly identifiable via the details of my case,since ask Jacqueline can be seen by anyone. BS cult might be tipped off and lawyer up? How did they react to your case,you mentioned they tried to destroy you and that you
You mentioned a girl told you and also had the Romania connection ,did she share her story with you ,can you put us in touch ,maybe we can form a coalition or at least a support group ?Also,do you know that disgusting vile pedophile man Andrew Tate that recently got cancelled from Instagram and Facebook,he moved from the US to Romania to date teenagers because the laws there are more lax?I heard it through ”the grapevine ” that he is targeting teenage girls shunned by Jehovah Witnesses so ”he can make an imprint on them”. Nobody should allow Andrew Tate near any teenage children .
I’m a Jehovah witness and I am sorry to hear what you all went through. Jehovah doesn’t like anyone that does horrible, wicked act on anyone Nothing shouldn’t have been swept under the rug. However you better believe if I see anything, hear anything I will definitely put them on blast witness or not. All the elders aren’t bad. For the ones that cover the act of a gross action will not go unjust Jehovah will take care of them in due time. I haven’t seen the whole story so I don’t know if they went to jail ” I hope they did” especially for the gross act they done of abusing, and for the ones that didn’t bother to report it to the police for further investigation. I will never leave the organization I love Jehovah and my brothers and sisters ” but I will never keep silence, I won’t cover the gross act for no one. I am the type to speak up and to take action that’s; what Jehovah would want me to do. Matter of fact we have articles about protecting your kids from predators of any kind, witness or not. Check it out on . My thoughts and prayers goes out . I hope you all someday to find peace after sharing your story. even though the scars will never go away. Love Inez.
Hello Inez and thank you so much for commenting and please feel free to look over the site. We the writers are not in anguish anymore as many have recovered. But thank you for your kind concern. Feel free to comment at the end of any article you read also. This site has a slightly different slant to it as we all can say what we see without getting shut down. All can think and we encourage it, so keep that in mind that our articles are from different countries and some people in no religion at all in some of the comments. Tell us more about what you think. Take Care
Listen to JT and Lady Cee give a breakdown on the viewing of the Documentary, “The Witnesses”.
Listen to ExjwAnalyzer
Trey and I talked many times and emails in the past years and there were terrible stories he needed to investigate.
The congregation I attended 20 years ago had the worse case I have ever heard of. I can’t look at the show to see if he used it. I just can’t look at this.
Just How Much Will it Take?
How far does this organization have to go before people stop and go to the Bible to question their beliefs that mirror their conduct?
Beliefs that goes directly against clear statements in the Bible.
Especially saying Christ has returned invisibly already and they are the 144,000. Just those two should be questioned. They are very direct on the answers.
And from now on I will refer to the watchtower society as the witnesses and not profane God’s Name by calling them Jehovah’s witnesses. I like that this premiere did just that, they refused to connect this with the Holy name of God. Take heed that you not be deceived says Jesus. But we didn’t check out the origin of the witnesses. We check them by looking in their books and magazines about themselves. Russell started the deception by falsely predicting the end of the world in 1914 and it has gotten more deceptive to our day in 2020. What does it take to go directly to the Bible without their books. To see and hear these rapes and cover ups is sickening. The governing body is satanic.How could they be so cruel?
Listen to Marcus as he puts it in perspective:
Wow, this is interesting that the article on Kobe Bryant which will be the most read article around the United States has the article on Witness Child sexual abuse.
Is this a coincidence or what? I wouldn’t want anything bad about me in the same magazine as Kobe.
Jeff, you taped the show. Could you slow it down to look at the credits please for us? You would recognize the many forms and names that would indicate it is me. You know them all that I use,lol.
My mom watched the program and researched one of the men accused and she found he was never convicted of his crimes. I don’t know the name I have not viewed it myself
The victim I helped get out of the situation, in fact, two, were adults the police station told me and they would have to file the report. Although young adults they decided not too. So that might be why he was not convicted.
The average rape victim of Jehovah’s witnesses thinks if they go public it will be “reproach on Jehovah’s name.” They don’t realize God’s Witnesses are the Jewish nation. That this is a damaging misuse of HIS name and heresy of sorts to bander his name around.
Little children in school who are acting out say I am a Jehovah witness, rapist use the name and the governing body who are just criminal in my book uses the name. It is so disrespectful to carry His name on such a filthy organization.
I got a message from Alabama on women that tuned in to the program on Oxygen. This house of people is not and has never been Jehovah’s witnesses.
One grandmother got sick! She said she had to turn off the TV when she sees how and what the governing body and elders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are like. I refused to watch it.
I asked the person to tell this grandmother that I didn’t look because after seeing the preview, my heart got so heavy.
I have spoken with Trey Bundy over the years and one of the worse cases I have known is the adopted daughter of it/ District Overseer, who I hear now is retired. She couldn’t be found during the filming of some of these segments.
Australia also has another horrible child sex abuse. I got in touch with the Australian police and a pedophile ring was uncovered and the Royal Commission on Jehovah’s Witness Child sexual abuse convened. This is like our GrandJury.
Additional ways to see this show if you are a cord cutter.
Here is additional times on the Oxygen Channel.
Sunday February 9th
6pm The Witnesses part 2 ‘A Window for Justice’
9pm The Witnesses part 1
11pm The Witnesses part 2 ‘A Window for Justice’
Wednesday February 12th
10pm The Witnesses part 1
Thursday February 13th
12am The Witnesses part 2 ‘A Window for Justice’
Saturday February 22nd
7am The Witnesses part 1
9am The Witnesses part 2 ‘A Window for Justice’
All times on Central Time.
They are showing it free as it happens. It is on right now
Scratch that, on demand only. If oxygen is not available a free trial of directv now can be used to see it, there are others too like sling that have it I think. You get 7 days free after the shows are done you cancel and they don’t charge. I’ve done it before to watch channels I did not have a day or so using PayPal, was not charged and cancelled no problems.
Lee Anthony thank you so much. She is also giving out 3 free credits today that you can use. You can go to and it will give Universal credits. I am waiting to use mine for tonight. Also I am going to sign up to directv for the free trial just in case.
PS. Please go open your email to understand what TedR is talking about. I forwarded an email to the entire group from Dave.
We have dish, no oxygen on ours. I downloaded oxygen app and it lets me watch live t.v. Free on my iPad, no code or anything was needed, can also see the cult show on demand 1st few episodes already on there.
Not sure about any sign in TV code. I always had Xfinity and it comes as I am accustomed to. Hoping everyone would check ahead of time of what type of TV cable program they have and try it out earlier to be sure they are positive they will receive it before any disappointment.
Jeff she is said to make it free for those like me that have cheap TV and it is not on the list of cable companies that I can sign in to. Locast does not have oxygen. I hope everybody go to Press on listen live and it will let you know if you need to sign in through your TV carrier.
Jeff do you think some need to check and see before time if they can get it on Saturday on Oxygen without a cable TV code?
I have cheap TV, Locast, $5.00 a month. lol and it isn’t listed as one you can sign in and get a code.
Guys I am looking at the two videos above and I think I have to turn it off!
It is taking me back to a dark place. I know some of the dark details of what happened to some of the victims and my own case of dealing with the organization on my aborted rape that was allegedly orchestrated by them to make me an adulterer so I would not have credibility if called to court to testify for Chinita Manuel, a horrific pedophile case involving allegedly elders and family according to the victim. Their elder was married and was allegedly promised he would not be disfellowshipped or lose his position as an elder.
So this takes me back even further to the 1980s with my very first case. I don’t know if I can look at the Sunday presentation alone.
I know some of the horrible details of one congregation’s child sex ring in Australia. The main victim committed suicide by running her car into a tree in 2012. I was at a Bible Student convention when they pulled the plug on her at the hospital and I joined in on the internet.
This started the Royal Commission Grand Jury in Australia.
Here is the program line up appearing on the Oxygen channel. These times are Central Time Zone. ‘The Witnesses’ are 2 hours long.
Saturday February 8th
8am Deadly Cults season 1 episode 1
9am Deadly Cults season 1 episode 2
10am Deadly Cults season 1 episode 3
11am Deadly Cults season 1 episode 4
7Pm The Witnesses part 1
11pm The Witnesses part 1
Sunday February 9th
8am The Witnesses part 1
7pm The Witnesses part 2
10pm The Witnesses part 1
Monday February 10th
12am The Witnesses part 2
So Everybody to make sure you all can get on to see the full length:
Oxygen is a TV/cable or Whichever one of these you can find in your market.
If you have Roku go to the Roku channel store and download Oxygen and you have it.
I don’t have firestick, but I imagine you have a channel store.
Or just go to Saturday and Sunday.
It must be advertising because I am getting calls and emails asking me if I knew about this and I have for months. I did put it on the site last month. This is just a few days before so this is better. Enjoy
This is the preview for the showing of the treatment of pedophilia within the organization. Look at the trailer then find where it is on your TV Stations.