The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!


This is just a video to start us off on earnest discussion of this subject. This is not the video I found 9 years ago when I left the witnesses but it will start the conversation.

Should we be afraid to stick to the exact text and not add or subtract as commanded?  No, we should not be afraid to say what we see and in an honest discussion with the Holy Spirit guiding us, try to understand Revelation now that it is being revealed to a lot of Bible studies.



39 Responses to The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!

  1. Kevin Davis says:

    As I started to realize that I had a lot to offer the Jehovah’s witnesses that but I was not being valued very much by Jehovah’s witnesses and elders that I started to leave the organization so far it has been the best decision of my life.

  2. Kevin Davis says:

    Religion trials about spiritual abuse and child abuse cases will soon begin. On a global scale the United Nations government will begin to have power with a global Court very soon. There’s a petition for JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES religion victims of that religion for the Jehovah’s witnesses organization the face trial. Coming up in the future.

  3. traveler says:

    Well Ijust watched video on the lake of fire. God is described as a inexhaustible resevoir of energy. From this resevior all things are created. When something is destroyed utterly it is cast back into the lake of fire. When it’s a living being the shame of their fall will ascend for ever and ever in our memory as the smoke from the coming destruction. Nothing is refined, nothing remains. There is a beginning and a end in God’s framework of reality.

    On another subject Kevin the information that you are shown by God through Jesus’s shared awareness is seen as a sweet oder of Jesus in you. In this Way you are anointed as are all followers of God through Jesus. This simple fact is clearly laid out in just a few scriptures because it is not difficult to understand. Yes in the new order the least among us will serve the greater number of resurrected people on earth. Remember the titles of priests and king is a term of service not a rank above. When confront ting the organization or any organization they as a provision have a set limit of knowledge called doctrine it as in all abuse is an issue of control. You must recognize that although as you’ve said those saved come from all humanity wherever they find themselves, it doesn’t mean they have found the upward path, but only sometimes the way of thinking or hearing the ring of truth, the remain vegetable eaters until the Twinkling.

    So in conclusion the more enlightened you become the smaller the audience that can “see” what you are looking at, “seeing”. Having delt with the organization for 45 years after learning the true hope of the resurrection three years in I know somewhat of the abuse you are suffering. Counseling can help if you chose carefully. It seems most counselor are in the profession trying to solve there own issue and few are healthy. I wish you well.

    • traveler says:

      I found the thought this morning , if any of Raymond Franz’s writing teams is still alive I’d like to reach out to them. While brother Franz and you included found the way of thinking, listening for the ring of truth, you never found the “Way” to the beginning of the UPward path.

      I using the information you gathered, was shown through your consideration on the birth of Christ, the moment when you stand on the threshold of the UPward path, and hear the UPward call.

      If you follow the transfer of the life force, the soul, identity of God’s son, into the womb of Mary, the birth as a human, and his death. Then, if you follow the logical steps through the grave, to pressure alive the identity of Christ,” the only way”, you will stand on the threshold of the UPward path.

      You will hear the UPward call and either you will under-stand God, “have ears to hear” and take UP the path as your own adventure, or just go back to learning and learning with no hope of making any progressive sense of it. No chance to find direction, UP.

      This may sound a bit cryptic, but I assure you it is not.

      If you wish you can contact me through this fine site.


      As the organization has pointed out many times, an understanding of the hope of the resurrection is the difference between a true pursuit of God and a false one. We believe that many will pursue a relationship with God having an inaccurate foundation, not realizing this fact and still do it honestly. The present truth expressing the idea that we cease to exist at death rather than cease to have existence, is the difference between an accurate understanding and a misunderstanding of the hope.

      The process of transfer given in “Insight on the Scriptures” Page 56, “Jesus’ Birth on Earth”, broken down into the logical steps as they are expressed.

      Note the statement, “only in this way” a reference to identity.

      • traveler says:

        I mention some time ago that I’d write a paper on the Adoption process of the children of God and the effect of the Token of adoptive spirit/force that gives “increased mental capacity. In the paper it’s self I will include Bible references although I believe most of you probably know them already better than I. Here is the first part of the paper. I figure small doses are better, since my attempts to shorten the explanation fail miserably.

        There and back again


        I should point out right off that everything is about frame of mind, in the Bible, and in reality.

        In this writing words that relate directly to God such as God, Savior, Lord and Father, Eternal Father, King, will always be capitalized. Those relating to Jesus such as, god, savior, lord, king, will not.

        This is a consideration of our reality and the “Great Questions”, and their answers.
        I’ve found in my efforts looking at what might constitute the answers to the Great questions, which whether it’s a religious pursuit of science, or a religious pursuit of spirituality, humanities attempts to pursue an answer or answers to the Great questions, have always amassed volumes of research and information. They however have never arrived at conclusions that afford an overview of a logical nature of what is. With no conclusion about what it’s all about, an overview there is no frame work that fits all of the information and it’s ordering.

        An interesting aspect of these attempts is that all have a predetermined a set of information called “doctrine”. By this doctrine control over others is meant to be possible. This control is thought to be necessary because these other persons are thought to be less enlightened. These doctrines are used to form a group, denomination, or political structure.

        Having finally decided that humanities work has given no firm direction to answer the Great questions; I started looking for my own sense of direction. I quickly decided that science, while the prominent religious pursuit of this age, and do not have the possibility of ever reaching a collective conclusion. A life time being what it is, short, I needed to look elsewhere. I started looking at the older attempts at pursuit.

        In my search while young and briefly in college was and now still is, it had to be logically connected, one concept to the next, each connection having what I call the “ring of truth”. Now pursuits such as the Buddhist, Islamic, and Catholic, positions quickly lost logical connection asking for “leaps of faith” which translated to blind acceptance. This leap was usually expressed as needed because of immaturity, or by the miss use of the term and concept of Belief/faith. Belief or faith can be established on sound or unsound information. Its not a mystic/ or a spiritual expression of power, to believe in things not understood.

        The conclusion that these religious, or regular pursuits, actually lead nowhere, was easily ascertained using a common encyclopedia to establish each persuasions, reliance on the leap of faith. Christianity did however catch my eye. The fact that it had historic physical connection to humanity and the general story line looked promising.

        Now right up front I should point out that the encyclopedia also gave simple information about the “theory of the trinity” and its attempt to explain the three sources of what it calls divine energy. This energy was found in God, God’s son and there was the energy it’s self. Strangely most priests of ministers know that the Theory never involved a triad of persons and was never presented in the Bible. But because of early translations the term “he’ was never translated with it, a word not found in the original tongue. This has lead to the lay people as they are called to misunderstand the nature of the active force called Holy Spirit. Knowing this information allowed me to sort through about roughly 99 percent of the Christian persuasions with out devoting much time to them.

        Now as in all religious pursuits of truth, they all have some truth so I’ve kept an eye out for this as it presents. I know this will not be taken well by many, but I started and pursued truth though the organization of Jehovah’s Witness’s. It took about three years to absorb and sift through their information before I ran into the limit of their doctrine.

        Within this period I used what I’ve come to call collecting bits and pieces. These bits and pieces were conceptual information that connected to other pieces with the logical ring of truth, but lost cohesion when an attempt to put it all together was exercised by the witness’s or myself for that matter. Finally I found the foundation piece in my third year, the hope of “The” resurrection. So from here we’ll start to build awareness of the “UPward path” and as I say the nature of what is.

        I should mention that my partner in pursuit and wife is also my editor so if somewhere in all of this you start to think I’m an educated man, we can get rid of your first misconception with little cost to yourself. Between My wife and me we have pursued for the last 45 years.

        I’ll close the preface with just a short statement about the over all reality we find ourselves in, when we find ourselves, which even Jesus had to achieve.

        Adam and eve lived in a reality fully in sync with the frame of mind of God. They were part of God’s family, and as such they had their full inheritance. In Gods reality you receive your inheritance at birth. In their case this full inheritance was a full compliment of active force we call “holy spirit”. This force gives increased mental capacity, allowing those who hold it to fully understand God’s will and live “UP” to it. You will see me often draw attention to “UP”, God’s thoughts being higher than ours, UP, stand UP, make your mind UP, live UP to, ….

        Now as I said, in brief, Adam and Eve messed UP, UP. Eve probably the stronger of the two was deceived and led to hold thoughts and conclusions out of sync with God. IF you wanted a helper it’s logical you’d want a stronger helper. This is why Satan probably approached Eve first, doom Humanity in one fell stroke. Before you object, Adam who did not become deceived, and well, was just weak, did not “stand UP”. Adam gave in to his desire and put Eve before God. Had he stood his ground, he would have saved Humanity. It’s also interesting to note After the fall women took a roll under headship of men, rather than direction from. With this view of Eve as stronger it seems appropriate that their role in saving lives while regaining their stand with God should be described in The Bible as “a large army of women” carrying on the work.

        So Adam and Eve lost the inheritance and it says were cast out of the Garden. The result is that any of humanity that wishes to return to the Garden must become part of God’s family. Now Jesus in short achieved reconciliation with God for humanity. Humanity could again approach God. This reconciliation means that humanity as a whole is forgiven the results of sin for our birth right, being legally dead to God. We can now approach asking for forgiveness from our own sin and the adoption as children of God. In approaching God and being accepted into the adoption process, we cross from legally dead to legally alive in Gods eye. We now as adoptee can receive a “token” active force, of our inheritance. This token of inheritance will allow us to follow the “UPward” path.

        The upward path eventually leads to the Twinkling, an event where we receive full adoption and our full complement of active force, Holy Spirit. While we see now in a hazy out line as the Bible puts it, we will see clearly having received the full complement of spirit. Once this powerful new force takes affect on our minds we can “see” Christ’s return in the “great cloud” of witness’s, that’s us who are present at the Twinkling. Now with a complete mental frame work in sync with Jesus and God our minds can really come to know Jesus and see that his awareness shared has now enlightened in a full sense every mind of the saved inhabited earth. This event will be the replanting of the Garden.

        There is so much to digest, we as Satan did, roam about in earth, being formed from earth. We are the field under cultivation by God. And Jesus came to save the entire INHABITED earth or those that cross from death to life legally. We’ll get into this in more detail as we go along walking with God as it’s described. The connection with the one first resurrection back to existence Jesus gives us assurance that we as Jesus can be preserved in the grave, a live, not having existence, which needs consciousness, but we exist in death and returned to existence as the same person even though having a different body. So, “There and Back Again” as we enter the garden as children of God.

        • traveler says:

          well as you probably noticed my editor/partner is not up to the task right now so, yep I suppose I could blame it on AI. Anyway I have continued to write. As you can grasp I think, it’s exceedingly hard to present a consideration of the inspired language, conceptual images of the Bible, in anything but long form. So Jacqueline if there is an email I can send you the finished presentation to you in attachment form please let me know.

          Also Kevin, think on these scriptures.
          This scripture Ephesians 4:23 speaks of the “token” of adoptive spirit that gives increased mental capacity to follow the UPward path.

          (Ephesians 4:23-24) . . .but that YOU should be made new in the force actuating YOUR mind, 24 and should put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.

          This next one speaks of the fact that on exercising the Token of adoptive force you acquire knowledge that is hidden to the unbelievers.

          (1 John 2:20) . . .And YOU have an anointing from the holy one; all of YOU have knowledge. . .

          Next Galatians 3:26-29 speaks of the experience of being set free from doctrine no longer needing to be orally taught, but becoming free from the world. Also points out that there are no “true” Jew’s left in the “Nation” of Israel.

          (Galatians 3:26-29) 26 YOU are all, in fact, sons of God through YOUR faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of YOU who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for YOU are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus. 29 Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.
          I hope you find this food for thought. It is more than vegetables.

  4. Kevin Davis says:

    Kevin Davis anointed Jehovah’s witness I talked to a circuit overseer from New York at the Alta Vista Kingdom Hall in Virginia I asked them questions=about how a person knows they’re anointed Jehovah’s witness he did not understand how a person is anointed and also on the issue of blood medically the Jehovah’s witnesses do not understand the Bible about blood they have added to the Bible and taken away from the Bible to produce the idea that a person should not take a blood transfusion and risk their lives and sacrifice their lives and sacrifice their children’s lives to die from not taking a blood transfusion in the near future=I’m going to read from the Bible and give you descriptions and give you the scriptures about blood what it really mean and explain how a person knows they are anointed Jehovah’s witness anointed Israel loves everybody and people from all faith can be saved Yahweh is God’s real name. That’s why I did not get baptized as a Jehovah’s witnesses I am a Jehovah’s witness I go to church now and I’m starting to be happy for the first time in 30 years God cursed by life when I started going to the Kingdom Hall I was anointed long before I started going to the Kingdom Hall billionaires produce results in our world for good or bad Jehovah God will bless me with great wealth management now that I’m free from the watchtower organization authority the Kingdom Hall may work for some but it did not work for me God will bless me now that I’ve left the organization are the Jehovah’s witnesses watchtower organization

  5. Kevin Davis says:

    In the last days untied nations world Government will take away false Religions money and power. abuse is one of the reasons.

  6. Kevin Davis says:

    in 1993 I became anointed I did not have any dealings with Jehovah’s witnesses Bible study until 1995 I had no mental problems in 1993 as soon as I went to a Jehovah’s witnesses meeting within a month I had one of the worst mental breakdowns in human history walking from Gladys to the Kingdom Hall at Altavista Virginia no one took me to a hospital or call the doctor they took me back home before I got home they dropped me off in the trailer park at Gladys I walk down the road by myself like in the world just come to an end it was lightning and I was mentally abused the governing body disturb me one night on the internet Bing has records of it and so does Google and so does the United States government what governor body came alive to me on they broke United States laws for the internet they were making fun of me calling me that dog and saying no one has called me but I must finish the job I started praying for judgment to come against the watchtower they are the biggest Babylon the great that’s ever been makayla Davis my daughter witnessed them talking live on the internet I love Jehovah God and I’ve left the organization and I’m not mentally diseased. I had just got up to mental hospital when governing body Disturbed me

  7. Kevin Davis says:

    the difference between myself and the governing body the governing body believes in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and the spirit driven organization which actually means the organization is God and I believe in Yahweh Jesus Christ and the holy Spirit of God working in my life I also believe Jehovah is a name for God is well. the governing body has people baptized in the name of the father Jehovah and the name of the son Jesus Christ and the spirit driven organization the proper way to get baptized is the name of the father and the name of the son in the name of the holy Spirit. I make Jehovah my God not a organization.

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