Shalom All,
Here is an iteresting testimonial from someone I spoke th this morning. Ex-Jw. There is also a song he wrote about exiting the organization.
This is the name of the fastest growing religion at current. It has many interesting facts about it, such as it accepts all prophets and words of god like the bible and the koran. It is all embracing and includes representatives from many religions, yet there is no clergy or preaching done it is none the least attracting adherents based on it accepting ALL people and all things essentially. I read from a couple of their sites after seeing a news program about them. The current attitude of the world as a whole is certainly now open to such a thing. The bible even seems to imply a one world sort of religious mindset and it seems this may be one to watch as it began in the middle east in the 1800’s. An interesting time for religious beginning…. It makes it very easy to accept your own bible or belief and still claim belief in the one God who to them seems to be the same one that was worshipped by all the many prophets of old and apparently new.
I added this as a matter of concern since though we on this site are of many different mindsets when it comes to faith, I can state that we believe in the Bible and in Jesus as the only way to God and therefore anything more is a danger and must be known as God was a God who did not embrace ALL religious worship and books from men as acceptable to him. Idols and any other worship was not permitted by his people then and it is not today.
I or we should never tell anyone what to believe, we are not a religion that will take and seek to have mastery over your faith But Gods word is the clear and final authority if stated clearly can be used to show all things that are true and acceptable to God.
2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people
Revelation 2:20 “But I have this against you: You tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and deceives my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat meat sacrificed to idols
Zechariah 13:2 “On that day” — this is the declaration of the LORD of Armies — “I will remove the names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered. I will banish the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.
Acts 15:28-29
For it was the Holy Spirit’s decision — and ours — not to place further burdens on you beyond these requirements: “that you abstain from food offered to idols, from blood, from eating anything that has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. You will do well if you keep yourselves from these things. Farewell
Yes, she has passed. I got a text message at 7:28 on Friday night. We got an up to date report here and OBR posted later but it has been coming. It was tough in the end, for the last few days and we got text updates. OBR should post soon.
Dear Friends, all of you know Br. Parkinson. Many know his sister Marge of Chicago.
Pray for her, she is gravely ill. There are no words to say how hard this dear sister works to help others. I have never seen anyone like her.
Some likened her to a “Mother Theresa”, she did works like her but never compromised. her faith to help others, she remained true to the written word of God.
Hoping she can pull through this one also.
I got the text message from her class late last night.
Our Dear Sis Marge has passed today, 12/13/2019. What a strong sister. She will be greatly missed.
Our heart goes out to her 2 daughters, family and friends.
Our ❤ is heavy.
Blue Letter Bible is having its first online presentation, here are the details.
Have you ever wondered how the Blue Letter Bible came to be? Or why it’s called the Blue Letter Bible? Would you like to know what kind of staff and budget it takes to make BLB possible?
If so, then please make plans to join us for Blue Letter Bible’s first-ever live streaming event on Facebook and YouTube on Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am Pacific Time where CEO and President, Jim Milligan, Chief of Operations, Andy Guastaferro, BLB board member, Steve Greenberg and Alan Pearson, Director of Donor Relations and Development will be answering these and other frequently asked questions about BLB. And you can get involved by submitting a question of your own during the live event. Or, if you would like to submit a question in advance, please send your question via email to
So please make plans to join us on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel on Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am Pacific Time.
For those interested here is the link for the new Shepherd Book just released at the annual meeting October 2019 along with an addendum (already)!
While some organization is necessary to keep any business or church running smoothly, the Pharisaical rules presented just shows the total control this organization has on it\’s members, eliminating Christian freedom and personal conscience in full contradiction to the teachings of our Lord Jesus. More attempts are made to cover their behinds regarding child abuse, in light of the recent denial of the Supreme Court case to overturn the judgment against them by the lower court.
TedR, I heard about the new elders Manuel.
A relative was telling me about the overcrowding of their kingdom halls because they had to combine so many.
In one there is an adult male giving out candy to the kids and wants to work in field service with her grandson.
I warned her sternly that anytime a male spends time and attention with a young boy not his age alone he is very likely a pedophile.
I told her grown men enjoy the company of adult females and males and not children if not his. So hopefully this book teaches elders how to listen carefully to men dealing with children, they love to talk about such relations. Thanks for posting
It is with pain of heart we report Joe Mason Emerson has passed away last week.
His daughter was with him and took care of him in his last days.
Joe was one of the frontrunners when Raymond Franz was alive and he worked tirelessly on the call-in show in its first days.
He ran one of the first worldwide websites with News from all over. He worked Hard!
Kindness was just who he was. Joe spent hours talking to those that were in pain 15-20 years ago when there was no one to help you crawl out from under the abuse of the governing body and the authoritarianism rule of its elders and Circuit overseers.
I know Jesus said well done Faithful slave, you helped my brothers when they were at their lowest points for their desire to serve my Father and me.
Brothers, please go to this page to see the Announcement about the Memorial and comment on whether you want to attend with the site or if you have another suggestion such as posting an adobe connect link or call in number from one of the other groups’ meetings.
Today my heart was uplifted as I got an email from an old friend. He has experienced much of what we have with the witnesses and the Conservative Bible Students and was helpful in explaining the devotion to Charles Taze Russell.
We would like to welcome him and his group too share their research with us. Thursday we would like to invite him on the BBB to speak to us about some things he has researched.
I am waiting on him to give us his name that he will be using.
PS: Since we started 8 years ago more brothers have stepped up, many from our site, to provide insight and comfort for those leaving the witness organization and the teachings of Russell.
Now we can focus on moving them forward and explaining where these strange teachings originated and why. The brother joining us is a researcher to a fault line and we appreciate his considering our site to share some of his and others insight.
There is a new Link in the Black square featuring the new Biblical Archaeological library.
I subscribed to it so it goes straight out to my account.
Use the Advance search to the extreme right within the page and get lots of good info.
I pray this will help increase our knowledge of what God has out there for us to learn as foretold in Daniel:
Daniel 12 New International Version (NIV)
The End Times
12 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
Attention: To all our readers; Thursday\’s meeting \”Bible Study and Research\” on the Big Blue Button with Dave has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions and also serious illness of one of the participants. We hope to resume next meeting. Until then take care.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, so this is a page to put all your announcements. Things you think we should know about. If you are traveling to an area where you might be near one of us or if you are sick have a meeting set up on the BBB or have had a baby, LOL.
Because we plan to have a full house for the visit of Br Peter Karavas on 1/12/2019 at 7pm (CST), we suggest you do a speed test on your internet. Call you provider please to give you your full bandwidth, especially for upload so you can upload your voice and speak. Downloading to get onto BBB requires less bandwidth than upload of your microphone. Most companies cheat you unless you keep on them. Being able to be on You Tube doesn’t require as much bandwidth as the BBB, you are downloading, apples and oranges.
Thank you
traveler on Contact Us: “I now have a pdf of our paper. By the way it’s adoption as the children of God, not sons;)” Feb 9, 14:47
traveler on Contact Us: “It seems the pictures did not copy and paste, but I think you can still get the idea. If you…” Feb 9, 08:28
traveler on Contact Us: “Hi Jacqueline, I said We’d write a paper on Adoption as son’s of God. Here it is. It may seem…” Feb 8, 21:02
traveler on Contact Us: “You were baptized into what Kevin?were you or anyone baptized into the JW organization, no. Even the organization believes the…” Feb 6, 11:09
Kevin Davis on Contact Us: “I’m Kevin Davis I am a Jehovah’s witness and I do not attend the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s witnesses anymore…” Feb 5, 23:24
Gary Charles on Home: Our Mission- Who Are We?: “I am not offering SEO or PPC services. This is something entirely different. Simply send us your desired keywords, and…” Jan 23, 08:05
traveler on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “well as you probably noticed my editor/partner is not up to the task right now so, yep I suppose I…” Jan 18, 13:25
Kevin Davis on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “As I started to realize that I had a lot to offer the Jehovah’s witnesses that but I was not…” Jan 12, 15:36
traveler on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “I mention some time ago that I’d write a paper on the Adoption process of the children of God and…” Jan 9, 10:52
Kevin Davis on The Lake of Fire- Let’s Talk Please!: “Religion trials about spiritual abuse and child abuse cases will soon begin. On a global scale the United Nations government…” Jan 7, 20:41
Shalom All,
Here is an iteresting testimonial from someone I spoke th this morning. Ex-Jw. There is also a song he wrote about exiting the organization.
Shalom Lee Anthony, I will go look at it now, thank you.
This says it all!!!!!
Watchtower cleared to hide child sex abuse by Montana
This is the name of the fastest growing religion at current. It has many interesting facts about it, such as it accepts all prophets and words of god like the bible and the koran. It is all embracing and includes representatives from many religions, yet there is no clergy or preaching done it is none the least attracting adherents based on it accepting ALL people and all things essentially. I read from a couple of their sites after seeing a news program about them. The current attitude of the world as a whole is certainly now open to such a thing. The bible even seems to imply a one world sort of religious mindset and it seems this may be one to watch as it began in the middle east in the 1800’s. An interesting time for religious beginning…. It makes it very easy to accept your own bible or belief and still claim belief in the one God who to them seems to be the same one that was worshipped by all the many prophets of old and apparently new.
I added this as a matter of concern since though we on this site are of many different mindsets when it comes to faith, I can state that we believe in the Bible and in Jesus as the only way to God and therefore anything more is a danger and must be known as God was a God who did not embrace ALL religious worship and books from men as acceptable to him. Idols and any other worship was not permitted by his people then and it is not today.
I or we should never tell anyone what to believe, we are not a religion that will take and seek to have mastery over your faith But Gods word is the clear and final authority if stated clearly can be used to show all things that are true and acceptable to God.
2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, as God said: I will dwell and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people
Revelation 2:20 “But I have this against you: You tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and deceives my servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat meat sacrificed to idols
Zechariah 13:2 “On that day” — this is the declaration of the LORD of Armies — “I will remove the names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered. I will banish the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land.
Acts 15:28-29
For it was the Holy Spirit’s decision — and ours — not to place further burdens on you beyond these requirements: “that you abstain from food offered to idols, from blood, from eating anything that has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. You will do well if you keep yourselves from these things. Farewell
Thanks for letting me know. I got the message about bvb her Thursday but hadn’t heard anything until I read this. ??
Marge as ins Hagensick?
Yes, she has passed. I got a text message at 7:28 on Friday night. We got an up to date report here and OBR posted later but it has been coming. It was tough in the end, for the last few days and we got text updates. OBR should post soon.
Dear Friends, all of you know Br. Parkinson. Many know his sister Marge of Chicago.
Pray for her, she is gravely ill. There are no words to say how hard this dear sister works to help others. I have never seen anyone like her.
Some likened her to a “Mother Theresa”, she did works like her but never compromised. her faith to help others, she remained true to the written word of God.
Hoping she can pull through this one also.
I got the text message from her class late last night.
Our Dear Sis Marge has passed today, 12/13/2019. What a strong sister. She will be greatly missed.
Our heart goes out to her 2 daughters, family and friends.
Our ❤ is heavy.
Blue Letter Bible is having its first online presentation, here are the details.
Have you ever wondered how the Blue Letter Bible came to be? Or why it’s called the Blue Letter Bible? Would you like to know what kind of staff and budget it takes to make BLB possible?
If so, then please make plans to join us for Blue Letter Bible’s first-ever live streaming event on Facebook and YouTube on Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am Pacific Time where CEO and President, Jim Milligan, Chief of Operations, Andy Guastaferro, BLB board member, Steve Greenberg and Alan Pearson, Director of Donor Relations and Development will be answering these and other frequently asked questions about BLB. And you can get involved by submitting a question of your own during the live event. Or, if you would like to submit a question in advance, please send your question via email to
So please make plans to join us on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel on Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am Pacific Time.
For those interested here is the link for the new Shepherd Book just released at the annual meeting October 2019 along with an addendum (already)!
While some organization is necessary to keep any business or church running smoothly, the Pharisaical rules presented just shows the total control this organization has on it\’s members, eliminating Christian freedom and personal conscience in full contradiction to the teachings of our Lord Jesus. More attempts are made to cover their behinds regarding child abuse, in light of the recent denial of the Supreme Court case to overturn the judgment against them by the lower court.
TedR, I heard about the new elders Manuel.
A relative was telling me about the overcrowding of their kingdom halls because they had to combine so many.
In one there is an adult male giving out candy to the kids and wants to work in field service with her grandson.
I warned her sternly that anytime a male spends time and attention with a young boy not his age alone he is very likely a pedophile.
I told her grown men enjoy the company of adult females and males and not children if not his. So hopefully this book teaches elders how to listen carefully to men dealing with children, they love to talk about such relations. Thanks for posting
Thought for today:
There is no mess that God can’t help us clean up.
He is the most powerful force in existence!
Trust and Obey Him, then watch His power work out in your life.
He is Faithful, so let’s not be fearful of opposition from the devil.
May God Bless our day, No matter what is going on in the world: He is in control.
Remember people only throw shade on what shines.
It is with pain of heart we report Joe Mason Emerson has passed away last week.
His daughter was with him and took care of him in his last days.
Joe was one of the frontrunners when Raymond Franz was alive and he worked tirelessly on the call-in show in its first days.
He ran one of the first worldwide websites with News from all over. He worked Hard!
Kindness was just who he was. Joe spent hours talking to those that were in pain 15-20 years ago when there was no one to help you crawl out from under the abuse of the governing body and the authoritarianism rule of its elders and Circuit overseers.
I know Jesus said well done Faithful slave, you helped my brothers when they were at their lowest points for their desire to serve my Father and me.
RIP> Joe Mason Emerson
Brothers, please go to this page to see the Announcement about the Memorial and comment on whether you want to attend with the site or if you have another suggestion such as posting an adobe connect link or call in number from one of the other groups’ meetings.
Today my heart was uplifted as I got an email from an old friend. He has experienced much of what we have with the witnesses and the Conservative Bible Students and was helpful in explaining the devotion to Charles Taze Russell.
We would like to welcome him and his group too share their research with us. Thursday we would like to invite him on the BBB to speak to us about some things he has researched.
I am waiting on him to give us his name that he will be using.
PS: Since we started 8 years ago more brothers have stepped up, many from our site, to provide insight and comfort for those leaving the witness organization and the teachings of Russell.
Now we can focus on moving them forward and explaining where these strange teachings originated and why. The brother joining us is a researcher to a fault line and we appreciate his considering our site to share some of his and others insight.
There is a new Link in the Black square featuring the new Biblical Archaeological library.
I subscribed to it so it goes straight out to my account.
Use the Advance search to the extreme right within the page and get lots of good info.
I pray this will help increase our knowledge of what God has out there for us to learn as foretold in Daniel:
Daniel 12 New International Version (NIV)
The End Times
12 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise[a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”
Will Bro. Peter’s talk or visit be recorded for people to hear at a later date on here?
Hi Nubby Tope, I can have Henry get a copy to you. He was moderator for that night. I will alert him.
send you the
Attention: To all our readers; Thursday\’s meeting \”Bible Study and Research\” on the Big Blue Button with Dave has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions and also serious illness of one of the participants. We hope to resume next meeting. Until then take care.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, so this is a page to put all your announcements. Things you think we should know about. If you are traveling to an area where you might be near one of us or if you are sick have a meeting set up on the BBB or have had a baby, LOL.
Because we plan to have a full house for the visit of Br Peter Karavas on 1/12/2019 at 7pm (CST), we suggest you do a speed test on your internet. Call you provider please to give you your full bandwidth, especially for upload so you can upload your voice and speak. Downloading to get onto BBB requires less bandwidth than upload of your microphone. Most companies cheat you unless you keep on them. Being able to be on You Tube doesn’t require as much bandwidth as the BBB, you are downloading, apples and oranges.
Thank you